I do - Tsukasa x Reader - Fluff?

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You stared at yourself in the mirror. You could see your reflection, someone split in six parts due to the cracks in the mirror. You tried your best to stay positive though.

The occasion was a great one, one you knew would be memorable for your family members. You didn't know much of her but your auntie was getting married.

She wasn't even biologically related to you. She was only just a family friend you'd never laid eyes on before. You had no business with her but yet you had to attend the marriage as you'd been chosen as a guest alongside your mother.

You knew there wouldn't be much for you to do at the wedding, the whole thing would probably be as exciting as watching paint dry. Perhaps you would meet somebody your age there but there were slim chances you would actually get along with the person if you so happened to meet them.


You shuffled in your seat. A woman and man stood at the aisle, you assumed your 'auntie' and the person she was marrying. Your ears perked up slightly at the sound of them vowing together but you could barely pay attention.
You were looking at the cake.

It was a three-layered delicacy, white with a few decorations. You licked your lips at the sight though it wasn't the sort of cake you oils choose for a wedding.

If you were to be choosing things, you would decide on a cream-coloured cake. It would have minor details in the way it looked,there would be a flower or two added for decoration. Yes, you knew you couldn't design a cake and hope to find it in the shops, that's why it would be homemade.

If you were to be choosing you would have to be getting married. The thought was amusing, you couldn't imagine yourself promising another your eternal love. How cringy you thought it to be.

Still, your mind drifted and you slouched in your seat. Maybe, if the man was just your type, you would accept someone like him.

He would have to be cute, no adorable, the sort of man who would hug you on instinct each time you entered the room he was in. You were one for physical contact.

He would need to be observant, whether or not he showed it he would need to be the sort to observe things. That would help a lot, you supposed.

Finally and most importantly, he couldn't be boring. If you were to date a man, he had to be able to interest you. You needed to be amused at all times.

"I do."

Your head turned to the soft voice that spoke. Your auntie. She looked lovingly at the man in front of her, smiling as he echoed the words she had recently said.

"I do."

And so you witnessed them kiss. You'd had to cover your ears at the cheers besides you, trying hard yourself not to smile.
What you had just seen, you thought as hilarious. Imagine kissing someone.

Making your mouth touch theirs.


An eventful day it was. You'd have wanted yourself to stay up late but you started your new school the next day.

Kamome Academy.

If there were to be any ghosts you would see them. You mother had used to be an exorcist and your friend Kou had told you there were a bunch of wonders and apparitions.

He even said he's befriended one.

You were excited. You were his age so you hopes you'd be in his grade and hopefully you'd be able to meet his friends.

You didn't care about the dead that roamed the school.

You couldn't bring yourself to.



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