4- ꜱᴄᴀʀꜱ

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"I try my best not to reveal myself more than I have to, and not to talk about myself so that people don't know too much about me"

lyrics: bitter chocolate decoration

Yoshie POV:

"Ew! What's that on your face?" the kids laughed, and laughed, pointing fingers at my face, the one that had a huge scar displayed on my right cheek, I raise my hand to cup my cheeks, covering up the one thing that caused everyone, to point fingers and tease me,

Every day, every damn day, at school, nobody ever gets bored, nobody can keep their opinions to themselves, nobody can shut their big filthy mouths and mind their own business,

Some would even go as far as to trace the scar on my cheek, grinning at me while others would avoid me out of fear, whispers in the hall, "Is she part of a gang or something?", "Oh my gosh, is she? No wonder she has no friends, she must have scared them away"

"Hey, is that your sister? Did she get in a fight? I guess you're not so different from her..." so they went to tease my younger brother, who afterward, Yelled at me for being the reason he gets teased and bullied the most in his friend group,

"wearing a mask shouldn't be so bad after all"



"EARTH TO YOSHIE!" The sudden yell made my ears ring, and I flinched while rubbing my ear, "ow... what?", realizing I dozed off again, a ting of embarrassment made my ears flush as I look at the three boys sitting in front of us, each one with their drinks and looking straight at us, which made me shift in my seat uncomfortably, suddenly forgetting what made us come to a cafe and have drinks, are we suddenly just friends?

Pulling my mask up higher up my nose, I clear my throat and look up at them, "um.. what were we talking about again?" asking them such questions was probably stupid, but, blame my poor memory, not me

"Yeah, Mikey said he wanted you to join our friend group, or well, toman" I frowned at him, scrunching my nose and crossing my arms, displeased, "Why would I? That sounds like a stupid request" trying to avoid the purple-haired boy's glances at me, I feel Keiko hugging my arm close to her chest, "Because Mikey said so" The so-called Mikey, looked up at me while sipping on his drink, "Because why not?"

"Come on Yoshiiie, you need friends anyway!" I groaned at her and tried to pull my arm away, glaring at her "Don't make it sound like I'm in desperate need of friends! I have you and I'm perfectly fine alone! Also-"

"I like your hair, did you dye it yourself?" Mikey asks, putting his elbows on the table while resting his chin on his palms, looking at me straight in the eyes, I run my fingers thru the strands of hair next to my ear, "I only dyed some parts, and she chose to dye it red for me" glances over at Keiko, who was still sipping at her milkshake, "And I had my hair blonde long ago, so now I have a combo of red and blonde, what do you like so much about it?"

"What's your full name? I never got to know it!" He kept on throwing random questions at my face, and me being oblivious, I answered them quickly so he could get to his point, "It's Yamashiro Yoshie, what about you guys?"

"Sano Manjiro"

"Ken Ryuguji, just call me Draken"

"Takashi Mitsuya" For the first time, I made eye contact with him, while feeling my palms sweat as I hold them together nervously, well at least now I know his name...

"Well, to finish off what I wanted to say way earlier, I am NOT-"


Before I could finish my sentence, I was cut off once again by a loud blonde gremlin, who got us from his seat and left the cafe with both his hands deep in his pockets, the other left after biding me goodbye, while Mitsuya, got up and bowed respectfully, "I'll see you at 8, or at the cafe again" he smiled, leaving me and my best friend, who's eyes were glued to her phone, scrolling down and up, completely detached from reality.

I sigh, resting my forehead on the table, my drink being untouched as I didn't even have the moment to take a sip, "There's no way I'm meeting up with them, I spent my whole life trying to avoid gangs, and they aren't an exception"

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"... How did you find where I live? Are you guys stalking me?" Covering my cheek with my palm, I groan at the sight of the boys I met previously today, while being on the phone with Keiko, I hear her ask what was wrong as I opened the door for the unwelcomed visitors,

"Nothing, just those annoying guys coming to bother me again...I'll call you later okay?" after talking to her and hanging up, I turn back to face the guys, not bothering to cover up my face anymore, as I was about to say something, A grinning Mikey laughs loudly and cheers, "We know your brother! He led us here!"

Then, my brother appeared from behind them, walking in the house while looking visibly annoyed, unsatisfied, Noticing his bad mood, I glare at the boys, "It doesn't seem like he did it by choice-"

"I did! Now leave me alone and quit acting like my mom!"He yells after entering the house, holding his shoes tightly and going into his room, slamming the door shut, "Are you ready? it's almost 8 PM !"

God these boys are going to be the death of me...



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Thank you for reading! this i my second update today- i guess i just had the motivation, but I'm sorry if this seems rushed :((

Please vote if you liked this chapter, and stay healthy and hydrated! Good day /afternoon / night !

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