Book 3 Chapter XX: A Mutual Friend

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Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it? -- Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend

In the next few days Abi completely forgot about both Imrahil and his portrait. Aunt Jiarlúr arrived in Eldrin. She swept into her older sister's house, grabbed hold of her niece within minutes of greeting everyone, and dragged her into the sitting room by the ear. Abi was beginning to hate that sitting room. No good ever came of her being brought there. It was where her parents broke the news of her impending marriage, it was where Kitri cornered her in front of Irímé, and worst of all it was where Haliran had made her blackmail attempt. It was rapidly becoming her least favourite place on the planet.

Aunt Jiarlúr closed the door and turned to glare at Abi. She planted her hands on her hips. "What's this I hear about necromancy?"

If she wanted a full repetition of the whole sorry story she could just ask her mother. Abi didn't feel like going over the whole thing yet again. She shrugged and said nothing.

Aunt Jiarlúr continued to glare at her. Realising she wouldn't get an answer, she changed the subject. "So. I've been saddled with you for this Gengxin trip. Have you ever been to Gengxin?"

Abi thought for a while. Had she ever been? She'd heard Mirio talk about it, and she knew Kiriyuki had visited, but had she ever gone herself? If she had it was so long ago she'd forgotten. "I don't think so."

Her aunt sighed. "It's a good thing I have. I suppose it's up to me to teach you as much protocol as possible before we get there. Though I doubt it'll do any good. Remember this. On this trip you'll be an official representative of the empress and Saoridhlém itself. If you do anything to offend the Gengxinese, your actions will reflect on all of us. Make one wrong move and I'll have you strung up by your thumbs. Cause any trouble and by the Nine Heavens I'll make you wish you were never born."

This trip sounded more and more like it would be nothing but utter misery. Abi sighed wearily and resigned herself to a long, long journey.


So many strange things had happened lately -- and had happened so quickly -- that Irímé felt as if he was living in the midst of a whirlwind. Turning into a dragon, seeing Abi turn into a phoenix, Ilaran leaving, Abi being arrested and now being sent off to Gengxin... All of it seemed more like a dream than reality.

Ironically his mother was the most constant thing through it all. The minute she received part of his wages she went off and bought more animals for her menagerie. A lifetime of keeping his mouth shut stopped him from telling her what he thought of this, but only just.

At last the day came for him to go to Tananerl. Irímé breathed a sigh of relief after saying goodbye to his mother and leaving the hotel. Siarvin, Shizuki and Koyuki -- who was coming with them to Tananerl, possibly for a visit or possibly to live there -- were waiting for him outside. Siarvin eyed his many suitcases with a mildly judgemental expression. Koyuki looked astonished.

"Are you bringing your entire house?" Shizuki asked, staring at the suitcases.

Irímé felt slightly embarrassed. Maybe he shouldn't have bought quite so much. "Of course not."

Getting all his luggage into the carriage proved much harder than he expected. Siarvin's mildly judgemental look became more and more severe after they all, with the help of the coach-driver, spent several minutes trying to fight everything into the luggage compartment. In the end they had to put some of the suitcases on top of the carriage and the others on the floor and seats. It was a very uncomfortable journey when no one could move without bumping into a suitcase.

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