The Two Edged Sword

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Thomas threw some pine branches upon the fire-the smoke and scent they gave off kept the mosquitoes away, though the trade-off was smarting eyes and a sore throat. Thomas intended to close his eyes and plan his next moves, the principal move to thwart Geraint in his villainy whilst being able save his sister. Thomas mulled ways of betraying Geraint but to whom could he turn to-the powerful men always closed ranks against common folk and he had nothing with which to bargain. Then he rehearsed ways of getting Geraint alone-and how he would push him into some ravine or rushing river. The reality was more complex- for to kill Geraint would invoke the revenge of all his gang-and Geraint had friends from London to the western borders and then some. More than this, Thomas knew his sister was badazzled by him-he was a handsome and heroic figure to all, with a list of brave deeds against the French.Geraint was a master of charm and had deep pockets to make all things possible. Thomas could not find a solution so easily so let sleep overcome him -tomorrow might offer up some opportunity.

The crows greeted a grey dawn from their treetop roost-a rasping ugly awakening.Thomas stirred to find he had a rock pressed into his cheek and his arm numb- so sound had he slept.The fire was grey as the sky and lifeless. The mosquitoes appeared as soon as he stood up. The other men had mounted or were still peeing against trees. Geraint had gone ahead with Turlock-a foul faced sidekick who the other men feared. Thomas had already detremined that Turlock was very dangerous and especially close to Geraint. As they saddled up as a group, Thomas decided that his gambit would be to find allies in the group against Turlock and thus start a split of loyalties. As they rode down through the dark pine shadowed track, Thomas offered some ale to a blonde bearded fellow who seemed to hold in a secret -this much about men Thomas had learned from his years of fighting with comrades in arms.

"So what troubes your brow, friend?" asked Thomas with a smile

"And what business of yours would it be..friend?" he replied before slaking himself with the ale Thomas offered

"You remind me of a good man who cared much about the world and yet the world did not care as much for him it seemed"

The blonde man drank again but did not answer.Thomas knew this was a good sign-for it meant that he had now engaged with someone who was a thinker..

As Thomas plotted his next move, there was the distant sound of metal on metal and then hoarse cries -battle!

Thomas and the others in the band rushed ahead and drew weapons. The blonde man now pulled on a Norman patterned helm and shouted out a curse in a foreign tongue.

The band galloped into a newly logged out vale. Geraint had dismounted and thrust his broadsword into the breast of a large horse-both horse and rider staggered back and crumpled as Geraint found the rider and slashed hard with two opposite blows. Two men were cut down as they ran by the blonde man in the Norman helm- he then rode to Geraint's side and dismounted.Thomas saw bodies of two young lads and felt sick They were unarmed. He thought of their mothers and fathers.

The battle was over and Thomas had not even loosed an arrow or swung his sword.Turlock emerged from a dark hollow and wore a big grin of self satisfaction as he held aloft a severed hand.The band now drew round Geraint who stood upon the belly of a slain horse.He welcomed Thomas and his fellows and then announced that the way was clear for the real work of the day-and meat and wine and women round the fire in a great house by nightfall.

They cheered and started to rob the dead of clothing and belts and arms,even shoes.

Thomas was ready to ride away when Geraint offered him a flask,

"To my brother in law" and he drank hard before offering it to Thomas

"That is in the future-and which one of us can foresee what that holds?" countered Thomas, who drank with an anger

"True words from a wise young head" laughed Geraint

Turlock rode up and said they must be riding on for " the real treasure ahead"

So it was that Thomas witnessed the true nature of his sister's husband to be-and father of her unborn child.

Riding in Geraint's company guaranteed wealth, food and respect-but it was a life living under a double-edged sword.As they rode into the forest, Thomas learned they had killed the house guard and servants of a local they would take his tower of red stone,his wine,his women and anything they took fancy to.

Thomas decided to kick ahead and ride on Geraint's flank-much to Turlock's disliking.

"Brother?" said Thomas to Geraint

"Ask!" came the response

"What of my sister ?" 

"Geraint shot a look at Turlock who seeing Thomas' concern delayed his answer,

"She is in the care of the master of the Red Tower" said Turlock,with some pleasure

Thomas was side-swiped and turned to Geraint,

" Brother, tell me what he means.. we just slew those men and boys of very same place? What are you she held by their master?"

"We must ride to free her at full speed that is true-but that is why you were given to us by God and good fortune last evening! It was fate!"

"How so?"

"The tower is tall and set high on a thin rock-we laid seige with fire but decided to feign retreat was the way inside..and your sister had the plan of all plans herself!"

"What plan of plans?"

"She cried and patted her fat belly of course-and we played our part by being unchivalrous robbers who left her to her fate outside the drawbridge!" Geraint and Turlock laughed at their brilliance as Thomas became dizzied with the story.Geraint was alive with the joy of the story,

"Your sister pretended to have been abducted by us upon the road and thus having had our pleasure of her body, we had abandoned her when she became fat and pregnant!"

Thomas now imagined pushing his dagger into Geraint's eye slowly and still finding no satisfaction in this he decided he would roast his limbs one at a time,as Geraint talked in full flow,

"You my friend will arrive and ask to enter the tower to rescue your long lost sister!" spurted Geraint

"They will know you are not one of our group and her genuine surprised reaction will convince them" he continued,

"Then at midnight you will fire an arrow with a rope from the rear wall- an easy task for a seasoned longbowman- Then we will do the rest"

Turlock drew his finger across his throat. Thomas realised he was trapped.Geraint was ruthless-and he knew that he had to do all he demanded or he and his sister would be disposed of like the other murdered souls lying as crow food, white and lifeless in some ditch.

Thomas had one chance. That chance was to execute Geraint's plan.Yet Thomas was now thinking of his revenge- and the delight in his revenge spurred him forward.He laughed madly at the audacious plan.Geraint laughed madly too. Turlock offered his flask.They shared brotherly toast as the forest canopy ended and in the wan sunshine before gathering rain, the Red Tower rose like a huge splinter against the mountainous green slopes that now rose to the west.

Thomas let the red wine slosh round his teeth and drank deeply-he burped coarsely of  which Turlock approved like a small boy sharing a joke.

Geraint laughed too-and yet as the moment was shared,Thomas felt Geraint was already one step ahead of them all-as if Geraint could see inside Thomas at will. Thomas turned from his gaze and called for a toast from the gang,

"To my future brother in law-and the pleasures of yonder tower!"

The knaves raised their weapon arm and cheered, except for one. The blonde warrior with the Norman helm looked deeply at Thomas- and Thomas knew this fellows mind was thinking again- perhaps he would prove an ally, or perhaps he now saw through Thomas' pretence..

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