Part 9 Thieves honour

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Thomas puked for all his worth as other customers laughed. His sister, Anne, was doing her best to fend off boyfriend Geraint's grappling and groping whilst the two other waitresses poured more beer than had been sold in a month. One of waitresses had already shown Geraint more affection than normal, a buxom sixteen year old fresh from the country, she did not seem to mind his advances.

Her hand going down inside Geraint's groin was the cause of the fight with Anne.

Anne pulled her rival from Geraint's lap and in a brawl that drew blood from both combatants' noses it was Geraint who called time. He held both at arms' length as they spat and kicked.

Thomas felt this indignity to his sister had gone far enough and tried to unhand her from Geraint. This was a mistake. Geraint's look at Thomas said more than words. Thomas, still sobering from too much beer had no strength or clear words and soon he found himself the sole focus of Geraint's sadistic intent.

Anne was dropped along with her love rival-as Geraint held Thomas in a headlock. Now Thomas was being humiliated by his own sister's boyfriend. Thomas was  spun round and round for the amusement of the room. Suddenly he felt his gut revolt and he puked again. Geraint dropped him like a hot iron. Now all laughter was aimed at Geraint as he saw Thomas' yellow bile slide down his leg and shoes.

The more everyone laughed, the more Thomas could see Geraint's true nature show. He recognised that beast in a man's face from the battlefield. Thomas sought his dagger and bow-but they were nowhere to be seen. Geraint and he were now locked eye to eye-only Anne realised what was happening and she grabbed a knife from the meat table to arm her brother. She grasped Geraint's arm as he advanced and tried to kiss him but he pushed her aside and then cursed Thomas and his sister aloud. The crowd now looked at the two men, as the silence dropped like a blanket over the room.

"Here's my bet" said Bogman, passing a coin to another reveller .In a rash of wagering, a small pile of coins now became the focus of shouting and calls for more beer-and another suckling pig.

Geraint closed in on Thomas, who looked about for an escape.As Geraint lunged, Thomas leapt like a goat up and across the long tables. He refused the knife from Anne and instead asked for his bow.

Geraint was upon him like a bull-Thomas was sent headlomg into the wall and stunned. Geraint hit him once. If Thomas had stayed conscious, he would have heard the collective moan of disappointment from the room. Geraint raised his fist in triumph. Bogman collected his winnings. Anne brought a jug of water to tend her brother slumped in the corner.

Outside the gloom was breaking pink in the east. A cock crowed. The Bear Pit Inn gradually quietened as London awoke.Soon, only snoring would come from the open windows and door.

Thomas was only bruised. As he touched the lump that closed his right eye he vowed revenge for his humiliation. In the first rays of sunlight to enter the room, Thomas shielded his eyes then saw his bundle once more. The longbow stood upright. For twice in as many days, he had been overpowered and caught off guard; firstly in the woods by robbers and then by Geraint.

The robber had paid with his life from Thomas' meat dagger as befits a low thief. Geraint would face something befitting a fighting man and that would be Thomas' guardian from five years fighting in France.

Thomas stood up slowly and drew out his bow and slowly fastened the string to the unfixed end.

"Angel" his bow was now ready..

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