Chapter Four

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Deku pov

"Crap." I mumble out loud to myself as I stare at the soggy, mushy cardboard fridge box that I once called home.

"Dammit I'm not even surprised. Nothing seems to go right for me anymore." I say out loud as I lean against a wall and slowly slide my way down into a seated position covering my face with my hands as rain beats down on me.

What the hell am I going to do now?!  I have no where to go and if I go to a shelter they'll just stick me with some foster family that doesn't even want me! Not only that knowing my luck they'll probably hate me!

I start crying. At least I kind of felt like I owned something by living in that box, now I really do have absolutely nothing. I have no one to ask for help and I don't have the strength to help myself anymore! Now thanks to this rain I'll probably end up getting sick too!

"What's a kid like you doing crying in an alleyway so late at night?" I heard a tired voice ask.

I looked up to see an man who looks more homeless than I do! But, no that can't be right he has grocery bags full of food in his hands. Wish I could eat something and not throw it up, man I'm hungry.

"Well? Are you going to answer?"

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