4th of May

95 1 236

Everything seems to be normal. Though HamLiza's relationship is still very rocky of course. Gabrielle is no longer salty about Philip not being her soulmate so things are good between them again.
♡KG3 as King of Hearts.
♡Mae Parr, Adelaide Culpepper & Katie Culpepper as Queens of Hearts.
♡Anastasia Romanov & Ava Laurens as Jacks of Hearts.
♡Mezzie Scots as Ace of Hearts.
◇Alexander Hamilton & Eliza Schyuler as King of Diamonds.
◇Philip Hamilton & River Grey as Queen of Diamonds.
◇Angelica Schyuler as Jack of Diamonds.
◇Pippy Hamilton Nice as Ace of Diamonds.
◇Katherine Howard as #5 Diamonds.
◇Jade Clifford as #6 Diamonds
◇Dominique Parker as #7 Diamonds
♤Anne Boleyn as King of Spades.
♤Christopher Carey & Gabrielle Antoinette as Queens of Spades.
♤Susan Lewis as Jack of Spades.
♤Lia McCartney as Ace of Spades.
♤Janie Grey as #5 Spades.
♧KH8 as King of Clubs.
♧Catherine the Great & Theo Jr Burr as Jacks of Clubs.
♧Michael Dos Santos Oliveira as Ace of Clubs.
♧Klara Orlov as #5 Clubs.
◇Aaron Burr as Ace of Diamonds

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