The Mysterious Class X

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Kiyotaka POV

*Time Skip 1 Month*

I wake up 4:30 am in the morning

*I should exercise, prepair my breakfast and take a bath*

*It's 6:30 I left and dorm and head to my classroom*

*in the classroom*

Kiyo - Hmm? All of you are already here?

Ren - I couldn't sleep tonight, I was excited how are we going to fight!

Yumi - It's so comfortable sleeping, so much different to that place.

Ryo - Oh! I heard that there gonna reveal our class now.

Kiyo - Yes

Yuji. - Should we go there?

Haruo - OHHHH Lets Go there should be strong guy there!

Ren - OHHH!!!

Hana - So early in the morning stop shouting!

Akane - So should we go? Kiyo-chan

Kiyo - I don't want to, I will gain unnecessary attention and Emiko sensei said that were free to do what we want so if you guys want to go then go.

Horuo & Ren - OHHHH LETS GOOOO!!!

Kiyo - Just don't cause trouble

*Haruo & Ren immediately leave the classroom*

Hikari - Then I will go too, I'm interested.

Koshu - I will go buy some ice-cream

Kiyo - Oh then buy for me too

Koshu - *nods*

Yumi - So what are you gonna do leader?

Kiyo - Stay here? Hana & Yuji can I ask you too to keep an eye too those two make sure they don't cause trouble.

Hana - Uhmm

Yuji. - *nods*

Ryo - Then I will also stay here in the classroom.

*In the Gymnasium*

*Haruo, Ren, Hana and Yuji is in the gym*

The gym had a lively atmosphere to it. The club representatives, and not to mention the supervising teacher, continued their explanations with displeased looks. They must be frantic to get as many new members as possible.

Haruo - Ohhh so many students!

Ren - Haruo look theres a huge guy!

Haruo - Where!?

*Its Albert*

Hana - You two selttle down!

Yuji - *Looking Around*

As the senpais finished their explanations, they got off the stage and walked over to some tables. They're probably setting up a reception area so they can talk to people one-on-one and sign them up.

The relaxed atmosphere gradually shifted in an unexpected direction. It was an electrifying change in mood.

Eventually, the whole gym was enveloped in a tense and quiet atmosphere.

There were no instructions given out, no one dared to talk—it was a dreadful silence.

No one could open their mouths to talk. This silence has been going on for 30 seconds already...

COTE:  Ayanokouji x OCWhere stories live. Discover now