Chapter two

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Caroline's POV:

Driving into the school parking lot I quickly found my favorite parking space and pulled into it. I put my car into park and turned the engine off. I took my keys out of the ignition and put them in my bag before grabbing the bag and leaving my car. I checked both ways in the parking lot before walking across to the school building. Can never be to sure now a days. Walking into the court yard people said hi to me. Quickly making my way into the school I spotted people on the cheer team. They quickly flocked behind me to talk about any gossip there was. I completely blocked them out and began to walk to elena's locker. Thinking on it now I have to be chilled out more than I was. I can't just jump and attack her with the I'm sorry's. Walking down the hall I see Elena and Bonnie. "Elena, Bonnie! How are you guys?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Thank you." Elena said. "Good, if you need anything I'm here for you." I said before turning to Bonnie. "I'm great Caroline." Bonnie said sending me a wink. I smiled at her. "That's good to hear, I better go." I said before pulling both of them into a hug. "I hope you first day is great!" I called out as I walked down the hall. I quickly approached my locker and opened it. I then put all of my thing into it deciding to organize it during lunch. I then quickly grabbed my first class books and began my trek to my class on the other side of the school. Walking down the hall I turn a corner and bump into someone. "I am so sorry! Are you ok?" I asked grabbing my books that had fallen. Collecting all of them but one I reached out for the last one to only grab a hand that reached for it as well. I quickly retracted my hand and looked up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, or bump into you." Stefan said. "Oh, um... it's ok. I just hope that your ok." I said with a smile on my face. Stefan and I both stood up. "I'm fine, are you?" Stefan asked me returning the smile. "Other than embarrassment, I'm fine." I said thinking about how it's embarrassing to bump into your future husband and knock your books halfway across the hall.

"It's ok, it wasn't really your fault. I should have payed more attention to where I was going." Stefan said. "No, no. It was at least both of our faults." I said not wanting him to blame himself. Stefan opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the warning bell. "Crap! I have to get to class. Sorry for cutting this short I have to be on the other side of the school. Bye! It was nice meeting you..." I said trailing off. "Stefan." He replied. "Stefan. I'm Caroline." I said before rushing away to my class.
—————Time Skip—————

Getting home I rushed upstairs and put my things away. I then went to my bathroom and combed through my hair to get all the tangles out from the long stressful day of school. I then checked to make sure that nothing was spilled onto me and that everything was all good. After making sure everything was great I grabbed my keys and went to my car. Starting my car and driving away from my home to the grill. Once at the grill I found a parking space and parked. Getting out of my car and walking into the grill I spot Bonnie. "Bonnie!" I said walking over to her. "Hey Care." Bonnie said smiling to me. "How was your first day?" I asked. "It was eventful." Bonnie said. "I agree with you on that. Did Elena and Stefan have there moment?" I asked hoping they didn't. "Yeah, this time I didn't point him out to her though." Bonnie said with a sympathetic smile. "Well, with the future events I'm not to worried that we won't come back together. I mean he is my husband." I said as we walked to a table. "Right now I would have been giving you the run down on Stefan, but seeing as almost all of it was a lie and you already know about him I won't. But for one thing, we are planning a June wedding." I said to Bonnie with a knowing smile making Bonnie laugh a little.

Bonnie and I talked a little before Matt came to the table. "I'm gonna go play pool." I said getting and approaching Tyler. "Hey Ty, do mind if I play?" I asked. "No, go right ahead." Tyler said with a smile. We played until Stefan and Elena walked in together. "I'll let Matt take over for me." I said to Tyler before handing the pool stick to Matt. I walked over to the table Bonnie was seating and sat on one side. Elena and Stefan came and sat on the other sides.

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