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Do If you are from my HARD TO TRUST book you will also end up reading this but...

1) This weekend was my birthday and I decided to spend it with my family and a small group of friends and was not posting at all.

On August 10th I got the news that people who once used to be close to me that I had known since my primary school days had been involved in a one car collision. The driver of the car failed to make a left turn and ran off the road. The car crashed into a car causing the driver who didn't have a seatbelt on to have injuries. The passenger wearing the seatbelt sadly died. If you are behind the wheel and you become tired please either have another passenger who can legally drive take your place or pull somewhere safe to take a nap or get coffee. If you are a passenger and are traveling long distances or are out at a late hour please ask the driver if they are tired or need caffeine.

If you don't please start wearing your seatbelt. It is there to protect you from having severe injuries. If it cause problems with your neck (don't know if this is everywhere) please readjust the leaves of the highest point of the seatbelt. Do not opt for not wearing the seatbelt.

If you think to do something that could distract the driver or if you are the driver and become distracted either by yourself or another please either stop from doing this actions or ask the person to please stop. It may be funny for a moment but that can result into harm from not paying attention.

Be cautious of other drivers. People can and will be stupid. You can't control what they do but you can control what you yourself can do. If you see a solution or a different route to said solution that would be safer please take those actions.

It is not worth your life. Your decision decide that fate of yours and others lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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