Sugar and spice

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Chapter 5


" I don't know why your being such an asshole to her Aren." Gray was literally screaming in my head.

 " I don't understand why that's such an issue." I snapped back. 

"Asshole." he shot at me.

 "That's what you are too, you know that." I told him. 

"Throw away that cigarette. " he ordered.

 "You're not my father." I told him. 

"It's not good for us." he added. 

"Blah, blah, been to school, learned all about nicotine and how dangerous it is to the body. You're forgetting that am not human." I argued.

 "Aren" he sounded serious. 

"Am immortal." I reminded him.

 "Maybe it doesn't affect you but it affects me. All that smoke makes me feel sick to the stomach." he explained. 

Yes I knew I wasn't supposed to be smoking but sometimes I just  couldn't resist. Cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, three of the many wonderful things humans created. I wasn't much of a drinker but the smoke was my thing. Angie hated it so she took me for rehab, it kinda worked coz I had stopped until I found a cigarette under my carpet, must have fallen while Angie made a scavenger hunt for every last one I had. And she set them all ablaze.

Gray was still bubbling about my pig headedness when I shut him out. I got  my head phones and set them to the loudest volume and I couldn't hear him anymore. 

" Now that's better." I told myself. 

This new girl, nothing about her made sense. I mean Angie kept saying there was something about her. That she could see her in our near future. I didn't hate her, but neither did I like her. She seemed so innocent and I hated it. I doubted that innocence and immaturity in her eyes. And Angie liked her a lot  yet she had barely spent two weeks with us but I knew how to handle my sister, just pretend like I cant hear anything she says.

It's true I acted like the older one yet I was actually the younger one. Angie was 22 and I was only 19. We'd left home when I was only 14 and she was just 18. Am just trying to say that we were runaways. Who we were and what we did didn't matter. For as long as I knew, it was none of anyone's business. 

Long story cut short, there was world war 3.  Half of the planet was destroyed. A lot of people died. Air became toxic due to use of too much carbon dioxide from the explosions. And the survivors needed a savior. A group of people called the Truthers society was formed. And they recolonized America, ruling by dynasty. Instead of a president, a king was chosen. So now, this once beautiful continent is ruled by a king called King Milan Morningstar, the man I hate the most. The man that destroyed everything I loved. The man that made me an animal.

When Angie and I fled, we ran to the Western district or what people used to call Texas. But when things became tough there we left and came here to the North Western District or what people used to call New York. The western part of the continent was totally destroyed during war, that includes California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington and the rest. They were no longer inhabitable.

 Angie raised me on her own for four years and somehow we managed to survive the killing hands of the so called Truthers who claim to stand for peace. Wondering how  we got the money we have? We stole it from Milan, yes, from the king himself. We ran away with a bunch of bags filled with gold and a bunch of money and diamonds. I hated the money most because it had the face of that evil man Milan Morningstar on it.

"Aren" Gray called me. 

I nearly got a heart attack.

 "I thought the music shut you out." I told him. 

"Something has happened to me, am not trapped anymore." he said excitedly.

 "What do you mean you're not........."I didn't finish my sentence coz Gray was trying to come out.

 "What are you doing, it's not night time yet.' I shouted at him. 

"It's not me, it's just happening." he shouted.

 I fell to the floor  screaming.

 "What's going on?" Angie rushed in.

 "Get out" I screamed at her, my ribs starting to contract. 

"But Aren you're not supposed to transform till night time." she said. 

"Angela, I said get out." I shouted again.

 I felt my shoulder blades broadening and my shut ripping apart. Angie stood there, crying. I saw her, but then I couldn't see her anymore. I only saw prey and before I knew it, I had pounced on her.

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