The Kingdom

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Chapter 9

Monarchy Palace

"Do you think it's Adam? He has all the characteristics of The Chosen One." Lucifer asked his brother.

 Milan looked out his window, seeming to be lost in his thoughts. 

"Am not sure" he answered after a long while. 

"You've got three sons, you really can't tell which one is the Chosen One?" Lucifer was agitated.

 "Don't pressure me, okay." Milan let out.

 "You failed to find the Lethal One. It was such a simple task but you failed to do it. Ten kids escaped from The Haven last week. That child must have been one of them. How are we supposed to protect the Chosen One when the Lethal One is out there too?" Lucifer shouted.

 "Actually, you should trace all the humans you had relationships with. That's incase you had a child we don't know about." he added.

"It's none of your business, brother." Milan exploded. 

"I know what I want, you don't. You're starting to become like those foolish humans, you're starting to care. Those emotions will cause your destruction. Those children are not important, what's important is the prophesy." Lucifer shot back.

"What do you know about children, Lucifer? You've never had any. Don't try to tell me how to handle my life." Milan shouted.

"Once you get your senses back brother, go and look for your lost son and daughter, because I see something in your second son too. He's also a potential candidate." and with that, Lucifer disappeared into thin air, leaving Milan fuming.

He was so angry that he broke the long  10ft glass window telekinetically.

"Dad.." Eli, his youngest son called.

 "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Everything is okay, Eli, go back to bed." he encouraged.

He waited until Eli left and stood up, still feeling infuriated. The wind blew strongly through the space where the broken window had been. A thought crossed his mind, a thought that he had tried to hide inside his mind for many years because it caused him a lot of pain. The only human being he had ever loved, had become his punishment. His curse. He held a picture of a woman in his hands. He seemed to have a great attachment to it.

" Hermione." he said.

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