Chapter 1:Lights out

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Everyday at exactly 12 midnight everything goes dark in District 19 and as the next day begins new stories begin every single day different from the one before and no one seems to notice, life goes on as it always has.

"It has been a long day we should really grab a drink or two so we can relax" says Alexandra Winter a journalist for The Daily Tracker a news program for a network

"Well you're right we have been busting our asses all week for this story we really need to chill" says Danny Williams her researcher

and so Alexandra and Danny went to a bar and to a have a few shots of tequilla and as they talk they did not notice time passing by fast as for alexandra she went home after 6 shots , she arrives at her place dazed and ready to call it a day and she gets out off her car she walks to the elevator from the parking lot then she notices someone following her

"Lights out sweetheart" the assailant says as he pulls the trigger of his gun and kills Alexandra

The news broke out like wild fire and it was all over the news on tv with all the media outlet in the scene reporting it and as everyone watches in horror the clock strikes 12 mn and everything went dark, The following day as light covers the district,life begins again and the people go about their daily routines all of them except for one person.

" Have all you guys heard of what happenned to news reporter Alexandra winter" asked Kid Sanders to his fellow factory worker

"I see you're Immagination is active again as usual" says Linda Star cheerfully to Kid

" What do you mean imagination it was all over the news last night she was gunned down while walking back to her appartment door" a puzzled Kid wonders

"Did you really seriously hit your head hard last night or have you been drinking again? there was nothing like that in the news last night I was also watching the same news you were watching remember we were on the couch" says Linda confused about what he was saying

" I am not lying she was gunned down it was on the news when we were watching last night" a slightly annoyed kid said in a more agressive tone

" You know I would know what you were talking about if that alexandra existed , I mean who is alexandra anyway? never heard of her before you know, are you sure you're alright there? do you need some help you're making me worried you know talking about a non existent person" a concerned Linda says

" You know what lets just forget about it, I might just be confused or it might just be a movie I watched last night" said kid who breathe deep and just went away

As the day went by images of Alexandra getting shot just won't leave Kid's thoughts and he was sure the news was real so he did some research to be sure and to his surprise nothing came up as he searched for a news clip of the said report.

" A dead end again I know the news waa real and that alexandra was indeed killed " he wonders

all of a sudden a message flashed on the screen in all caps "IT WAS REAL,IT REALLY HAPPENNED" he tried to reply but no one was answering and the message disappeared after a minute he received a message on his email with an attachment and as he openned it he was shocked to see what it was

" This was a clip of the news " he was surprised

" News journalist Alexandra Winter was brutally gunned down while she was walking to her appartment door as of this reporting the gunman is still yet to be identified and the police has now launched a man hunt operation to catch the perpetrator, for district news this is Audrey Jenkins" the news clip says

he tried to reply to the sender but his messages cameback undeliverable and when he tried to trace the email used he found out its an inactive account

"Its real but why am I the only one who remembers, everyone I asked so far do not remember the news or Alexandra winter there is really something wrong going on around here and I need to find out what is happening and who could that person helping me is " a curious Kid says

And as the clock strikes 12mn his vision suddenly goes dark and the district turns quiet once again the day ends and all seems to be at peace but what hides in the shadows will unravel and the secrets hidden in the dark will soon come to light but are these secrets worth all the trouble?

" Goood morning district 19 rise and shine its a beautiful day and the sun is up lets start your day with great music " the DJ on the radio says with energy in his voice

Kid turned off the radio as he wakes up and as he looks in the mirror flashes of the memories of the day that was comes back and he suddenly remembered what happened to Alexandra.

" Oh My God they killed her" he exclaimed

Immediately he remembered the email he received and when he checked the message is gone he tried so see if he saved a back up but there was nothing

" Linda do you remember alexandra" he asked"

" Who's alexandra? wait is that your new girl?" she asked

"Yeah she's a girl I met in highschool" he jokingly replied

at work he started to ask around about what happened two nights ago

"Alexandra? who in the world is that?" Edward Miles asked

" She is a journalist for the daily tracker which was killed two nights ago" he said testing edward

" Dude I have not heard anyone by that name working for the tracker" he said

"seriously? really no one with that name on the tracker?" Kid asked

" Nope I've ben watching that channel for a long time and I don't remember a journalist with that name, you sure you're alright?" he asked

"Yeah I'm good it might just be things I read in a magazine don't worry about it" he said smiling

He asked everybody he came accross with like the newspaper guy from the news stand,the cashier on his local supermarket even the cab driver he of the taxi he hailed as he was going to work yet nobody remembered about alexandra or what happenned to her.

" I just don't get it why am I the only one who remembers" he asked himself as he browses through website after website in the quest of finding answera to his questions

suddenly a notification pops up on his laptop screen saying "you are closer to the truth than you know"

as he opens the message he realized it was again from an unknown email address different from the last one,attached on it is a picture and as he openned it took his breath away

" its her and she is alive? and this guy beside her its the same guy who shot her" he said as his eyes openned wide because of the sheer shock of the revelation. Then suddenly a message appeaeed on his screen via his messenger app again coming from an unlnown source

" This is just the tip of the iceberg more will be revealed soon stay tuned because the truth will soon come out and you don't to miss the finale" the unknown sender says

"Who are you and why do you always speak in riddles? show yourself I need to know more" he replied back

as he wait for a response he wondered why it seems like he remembers something from the past, a memory suddenly flashes before his eyes

"Keith they've already pulled our funding this little experiment is over" a man in a suit was saying

suddenly Kid felt that his head is heavy and he fell down on his bed and it took some time for him to recover, when he came to it was already evening the news is on and he can hear his neighbors having a party nextdoor, he came back to his laptop which has a message accross the screen

" I go by many names at the moment I wish to remain annonymous, In time we will meet in person and by then you will know who I am but for the mean time you can call me "The Virus"

the message ended and the account where it was sent was now a disabled account, the last conversation left more questions than answer.

Who is The Virus? what does this person want and what are his motivations? what is his connection to Kid and why is he the only one who remembers? the mystery will now start to unravel look out for more this will be a great ride.

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