Chapter 12: The Encoder's Key

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As the group bravely walks into the heart of the central core on the way to the mainframe a feeling of uncertainty covers the air as the stench of fear and worry is starting to take over a ray of hope shines in the horizon and the certainty of freedom is inching closer than ever

"I don't like this it's too quiet, mad he knows we're here " said Kent

" I know what you mean, all we can do now is to stay together and not do anything stupid and Team activate your cloaking device this way we at least stand a chance" said Keith

As they follow the path to the mainframe they try to anticipate anything the mastermind has in store for them

" There's. A light up ahead looks like a door way, be careful this might be a trap" said Kid with a worried look in his face

As they approach the door they see a very big room and in the middle is a a single terminal which controls something from inside they try to approach it as slow as they can when all of a sudden Keith stopped them.

" Do not move a muscle we are in the middle of a laser grid" he said with a concerned look

"What do mean by laser grid? Tell me it's something that won't kill us" said Kid who is obviously afraid

" The laser grid is one of the defense mechanisms of the central core and it's motion sensitive, one false move and streams of lasers forming a mesh will be triggered and everything it touches will be incinerated " Keith said really worried

"Well I always loved barbecues" Joked Kid

" There must be something we can do, I don't burn here helpless " said Kent

As they look around for a way to get out of that spot it seemed all hope is gone as they do their best not to move but Kid inhaled a bit of dust which tickled his nose and he knew he was gonna sneeze and everyone else noticed.

" Don't you dare do it Kid ! " said Kent with sweath trickling down his cheek

" I got you where I want you and I will finally be rid of you hahahaha.." said the mastermind pleased with the situation

Suddenly some explosions are heard and an alarm sounds off

" Aaahhhhhchooooo!!!!" kid sneezed as he could not help it anymore

The lasers activate and started to make its way to them and all they can do is close their eyes and as the laser mesh got closer and closer they accept the fate they are about to behold when suddenly...

" Were alive? What happened ? " A puzzled Keith wonders

" Apparently the laser suddenly stopped right before it hit us, one more second and we would have been toast" said Kent

" About who saved us? " Kid asked

"You may have survived the lasers but that is just the tip of the iceberg the deeper you get the harder the challenges haha.. " the mastermind laughed with amusement

When suddenly someone came into the room and spoke

" You boys should really read the signs before entering a room" said Alexandra

"You destroyed the lasers.. clever girl" said Keith

"Yup I knew a thing or two about this place so I destroyed the console that controls the lasers since I have been infiltrating it for God knows how long" said Alexandra

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's move" said Kent

As they walk to the next room they find a large empty space quiet and pristine when suddenly footsteps were heard and before they know it they were already surrounded by androids with guns pointed at them.

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