[387 words] Day number 5, Monacas Pov

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Monaca used the bathroom this morning, and Monacas phone was gone when Monaca came out.. this was not okay.. Monaca wasnt happy.. Monaca went out of Monacas room to go see if Nagisa, Kotoko, Masaru, and Jataro knew where the phone was.

 when Monaca found everyone else they all had Monacas phone.. MONACAS PHONE. MONACA MONACA MONACAS PHONE. Monaca said "Monacas phone.. YOU HAVE MONACAS PHONE" That scared everyone! Jataro clinged on to Nagisa's arm while Nagisa was superrrr scared Monaca is surprised that Nagisa didnt pass out! Masaru was standing in front of Kotoko Monaca couldnt tell if he was protecting Kotoko or trying to be a stupid stupid stupid "leader" Masaru is a terrible leader. :)

and finnaly someone replied to Monaca. It was Masaru he said "ohh- this was your phone we didnt know" Masaru just lied to Monaca.. Monaca wants to send Masaru to go fight thoose two ugly demons. Monaca said "You just lied to monaca..WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO MONAC-" "he is not lying!"Kotoko interrupted, INTURUPTED MONACA. WHY WAS NOBODY LISTENING TO MONACA. Monaca screamed "DONT INTERUPT MONACA WHY WONT YOU LISTEN YOU STUPID LITTLE BRAT LISTEN TO MONACA APOLOGIZE TO MONACA NOW" Kotoko then said "I'm sorry.. Masaru is telling the truth" how would Monaca know that he is telling the truth.. whatever. Monaca said "Okay then!"

Monaca went over to go get her phone and and and. It was cracked, shattered, brocken, "MONACAS PHONE" Monaca said, this made Nagisa very scared, Monaca thought that Nagisa did it but then Masaru said "It was already cracked when we found it, so that means that servant cracked it cause,,, we got the phone from servant he said it was his phone" Monaca believes him! Monaca said "okay I'm going to go talk to servant goodbye!

Monaca found servant and said "BUY MONACA A NEW PHONE OR MONACA WILL.. KILL YOU" Servant said "okay, okay. Dont kill me"[he said this calmly and relaxed] Servant just handed Monaca a new phone. Where tf did he find it-"

Monaca went back into where everyone else was and said "Oh yeah by the way Masaru it's your turn to try and kill the demons

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