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July 7, 2018: 

The sky was littered with clouds. The same, it seems, was the state of Sangwoo and Suho's relationship. Their beautiful sky had been tainted by the gathering of clouds named doubt and insecurity. They'd been getting into arguments a lot lately, and he was beginning to question his love for Suho.   

Suho had become increasingly possessive over the time they'd been together, and began to question Sangwoo every time he went out without him. The other was starting to tire of this behavior, but didn't want to end the relationship. 

Because the other questioned everything he did, whether it was his choice of clothing, or what makeup he put on, Sangwoo had started to resent Suho. 

It was maddening. 

(This is his club outfit)

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(This is his club outfit)

"What's that you're wearing? Don't you think it looks too tight? I don't want anyone else to see this," Suho had said, pointing toward the leggings that Sangwoo was wearing and giving his bum a little tap. "This is only for my eyes. You understand, right, Puppy?"

Another thing was the incessant name-calling. 

Sangwoo hated being addressed as 'Puppy', and had told Suho as much when it had started to bother him. But the other had just laughed and dismissed him. Sangwoo too, had decided to let it go, thinking Suho would stop on his own.

Alas, that was wishful thinking.

Suho ordered Sangwoo around like he was a slave, constantly asking him to run errands. It could be something as small as getting a glass of water, and Sangwoo would have to go get it. He sometimes believed that he was getting the short end of the stick, because Suho didn't do anything for him; there were no flowers, no romantic dinners, no nice surprises, nothing. But he thought it was just that Suho had a different way of expressing his love for him. 

Suho followed him around, too.

He was at work one day ringing up the till for a customer. The customer was flirting with him, all in good fun, and he was flirting right back. As he gave the customer the change, he noticed Suho staring at him with a blank face.

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