Matching Nikki Sixx's Record

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"So I was dead for two minutes? Wow

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"So I was dead for two minutes? Wow. I matched Nikki Sixx's record."

The doctor looked at him like he was missing a few screws. "You died and that's all you can think of?"

"I knocked on Heaven's door for two minutes," the boy said. "How is that not cool to you?"

"Patients usually say 'thank you' after they wake up from something like this. It would've been nice to get one. But all you can think of is Nikki Sixx?"

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Dr. Lee. It couldn't have been easy for you. Hope I wasn't too difficult," he said.

(Lee Jaehyeong from The Rose as the doctor)

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(Lee Jaehyeong from The Rose as the doctor)

"No. You were okay."

"Glad to hear that. Don't want to be a source of trouble."

"Oh, be assured that you weren't. How are you feeling? When you were brought in, you looked-how should I put this-like you'd been through a blender," The doctor glanced at the young man. "If you don't mind, can I ask what happened to you?" He felt uncomfortable asking about the topic, which struck him as odd, because he came across  a big number of accident victims every day. 

"Uh, who brought me in? All I remember is sitting on the steps leading to the front door of my house."

"Don't know who it was. Didn't give the nurse a name, unfortunately. Said they saw you faint in front of their eyes."

He sighed. "I must've blacked out."

"Not exactly. Since you remember what happened before you lost consciousness, you fainted. Blacking out involves losing memory."

Sangwoo puffed out his cheeks.

"Your ribs and back are littered with scars, both old and new," Dr. Lee said. "Is everything alright at home, Sangwoo-ssi?"

He inhaled sharply. He had to play it off. "Oh, it's all good, Doc. I'm just a pretty clumsy person, falling all the time. In fact, I even got a black eye once because I walked right into a door. I was seventeen."

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