Mr. Beagle Or Y/N?

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November 9, 2018: 

A month. 

That's how long it'd been since the second round. Sangwoo was beginning to think he hadn't made it.

Fortunately, he'd been swamped at work, so he hadn't had too much time to dwell on the possibility.

Speaking of work, that's where he was. Smiling at customers was hard today. He didn't know why.

Against his heart's advice, he'd called the girl who'd given him his number.

They'd gone to a cafe and talked. He found out her name was Song Misun and that she liked the colors black and gray, and no makeup. She was a fan of tanning, something that they had in common.

It had been fine until he'd tried to broach the subject of his lack of feelings toward her.

"Why?" she'd asked.

He couldn't tell her that he liked men. That would get him kicked out of the cafe, and she'd probably treat him like trash.

So he gave her a cliched response. "I don't like you like that. I'm open to being friends. In fact, I'd love to be friends. Goodness knows I need some."

She'd taken a sip of her iced Americano and clasped her hands together, resting her chin upon her knuckles.

"Okay. How about a date? Just one? If we don't click, then I'll leave you alone."

"With all due respect, I can't do it."

"And again my question is: why?"

"I don't think I feel comfortable enough telling you."

"What can I do to make you feel more comfortable?"

"Well, for starters, don't ask me why."

She'd sighed. "Okay, so what do you want to do?"

"How about we finish the coffee, and we'll take it from there?"

She'd nodded.

This had resulted in a long walk along the Han river where they spent time pointing out constellations to each other.

"I have to say, I really enjoyed this," she'd said, gesturing with her arms.

"The walk?"

"That, and the company. I don't get to go out much. Always too busy, y'know?"

"Felt that."

"Maybe we can do this again sometime?"

"As friends?"

"Honestly, I just want to do more of this. I don't care what we call our relationship. All I know is that I like spending time with you."

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