Chapter 4 More time

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Hello teets!!! I hope you enjoyed chapter 3! Sorry for taking so long school takes up so much time:( This chapter might be a bit longer the usual. Please don't mind my spelling and grammar ....anyways enjoy!!!!! The next morning Finn woke up and saw Fionna sleeping still. -Wow! She looks so beautiful when she sleeps, like an angel- Finn thought to himself As he was admiring her face, she slowly opened her eyes seeing Finn staring at her, he was so close to her face she could almost can feel his breath. Out of panic, she leapt up and ran to the bathroom, her face was so red she was like a tomato. As she was in the washroom she washed her face to freshen up, as she was doing that she had flashbacks of Finn's face and how close it was to hers. She splashed some water on her face to calm herself down. -MEANWHILE- Finn was sitting on the bed—Did I do something wrong? Why did she run? - he thought to himself. He looked worried, but then he started to smile —Her face was really surprised- he said as he giggled and stood up. Finn started to get kinda hungry so he decided to start breakfast so he walked downstairs to the kitchen and started to make waffles. Meanwhile, Fionna finally decided to get out of the washroom (because she could smell WAFFLES). Both of them still had their pj's on btw. She made her way downstairs humming to herself. By the time she came downstairs the waffles were done and Finn was waiting for her. She joined him and they ate waffles. While they were eating, there was a knock on the door. Fionna got up to answer it was Tart Toter (Tart Toter is that messed up gingerbread man) with 2 letters. One for Finn-from Jake and the other for Fionna-from Lady. Fionna made her way back to the table and gave the letter to Finn as she opened hers. "Oh! Looks like they are going to be gone for a couple more weeks." Fionna murmured quietly but loud enough for Finn to hear."Yeah, looks like it" Finn said back to her. 

****Dear Finn,

Hey man! Well me and lady are planning to stay here for a couple more weeks , Lady wants us to stay longer because she hasn't seen her relatives for a while. Well see ya bro!

                                                                                         Your bro, Jake****

****Dear Fionna,

Hey Girl! Me and Mono are going to stay here for a few more weeks. So my baby, Mono and I can stay here and catch up with his parents, he hasn't seen them in a while. Well then, girl love ya!

                                                                                        Love your girl, Cake****

"So we have more time...." Finn started. "together" he whispered to himself. Fionna overheard and blushed. They went back to eating their waffles. "Yummy! Your waffles are the best, how do you make them so good?" Fionna said smiling to Finn."Thanks! I just make them so much I guess I am a waffle expert now!" Finn said and giggled. After they finished eating, they got dressed and sat outside to play with beemo. "So, what are we going to do today?" Finn asked, "Oh yeah, which reminds me!" Fionna said while pausing the game and reaching in her backpack and grabbing tickets for a movie. "Do you wanna go?" Finn asked looking at the tickets, "I guess so, I heard everyone else is going, the princesses and the princes. Even Ice King and Queen are I guess we can go for fun! well, if you want." she answered back to him."Yeah, it sounds fun!" Finn said smiling. "Wait, what movie?" Finn asked quickly,"Well, it doesn't say what movie it just says special movie night," Fionna said inspecting the ticket. "Why not it sounds fun!" Finn said. Fionna unpaused the game, they kept playing.( By the by the movie is not today it's tomorrow) It was noon, and Finn was napping on the couch while Fionna was in the shower."Hmm.. I wonder what movie is going to be playing?" she said as she lathered conditioner in her hair. After she combed her hair, she stepped out grabbed her towel and went into the bedroom.The phone rang,  She quickly grabbed her clothes and got dressed."Hello?"Fionna said into the phone. "Hey, Fionna! It's Marceline. Marshall and I were wondering if you guys wanted to have dinner with us?" Marceline said. "Yeah sure! What time?" Fionna questioned. "About 6 is fine", "Ok" Fionna answered. They said their goodbyes and Fionna hung up. She went downstairs."Finn!" She shook him. "Wake up!" She shook him again. His eyes slowly drifted opened "Ya, what is it Fionna?" He said in a deep, sexy, sleepy tone. Fionna blushed. "Umm, Marcy and Marshall invited us over for dinner, and I said yes. So come on!"  Fionna said well-getting food ready. *yawn* Finn stretched and got up. "We are going now?" Finn questioned while he scratched his head. "Yup! Are you gonna change or just go in those clothes?" Fionna asked smirking and while her hands were on her hips. "Yeah, Yeah I'll changed in a moment." He said giggling. Finn got up and walked to the mirror took his hat off and put his hair in a bun.(I'm sorry I had to add a man bun. I absolutely love man buns. Just imagine Finn with a man bun just melts my heart.) "Your not gonna wear your hat?" Fionna asked as she observed him. "Nah. I guess I'll just keep it like this." He said making his way upstairs. "Might as well, it is hot out" Fionna said taking her hat off and ponytailing her hair -Oh My Glob! Finns man bun looks so cute!- Fionna thought to herself. As Finn changed, as Fionna got the food ready the sun was still high in the sky. "I'm done packing the food! You done changing?" Fionna yelled to Finn upstairs. "Yup coming!" he said as he walked downstairs. "Ready?" she asked. He nodded. They left the house and walked to Marceline and Marshall's place. They knocked on the door, "Coming!" yelled a voice from the other side of the door. The door opened "Hey guys!" Marshall said while signaling to come in. "Hey! Finn and Fionna!" Marceline said."Oh! Hey, Peebs and Gummy! I didn't know you guys were here!" Finn said waving to them. "Yeah, it was kind of last minute," Marcy said. After they ate they watched heat signature ant ate popcorn and the colour red. Peebs and Gummy fell asleep on the couch. Marcy and Marshall fell asleep. Finn was still awake well Fionna fell asleep on his shoulder on the floor. *Yawn* Finn look around while trying not to move his body around. "Looks like everyone's asleep," Finn whispered to himself. He slowly dozed off. Finn woke up to the sound of..........

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