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A/N: I really suck at making chapter titles!

Hermione woke up to the bright light shining in her room. She yawned. She had a late night at the library last night, studying, so she was still tired.

She glanced at the clock on her bedside table.8:00. Harry and Ron should be down to breakfast by now.

She quicky showered and dressed. She grabbed her wand and headed out of the portrait hole.

She bumped in to someone and nearly fell to the floor sho looked up. " Oh sorry, Neville, my bad." Neville's face turned red. " Sorry, Hermione " Hermione laughed. " It's alright, Have you seen Harry and Ron?" 

" Yeah they were at breakfast. Still are I think." Neville told her. 
"Okay thank you!" Hermione said.

She walked down the stairs until she reached the great hall. She opened the doors and searched the Gryffindor table, where she immdeiatly spotted Harry and Ron. She went over and sat down with them.

" Good morning!" She said cheerily. " Morning Hermione." Harry replied. " What's got you so cheery this early in the morning? " Ron asked. Hermione laughed. " We're going to hogsmead! So hurry  and eat your breakfast!" It was Ron's turn to laugh. " Usually you tell me not to." Hermione waved her hand. " Today's different , I want to go !" Harry spoke up. " Even if we're done early we can't go until Filch let's us." Hermione sughed. "We have about ten minutes until he let's us go"

She took the spoon and poured scrambled eggs onto her plate and grabbed a piece of toast from the stack in front of her .She took a bite, chewing as fast as she could . " So were do you guys want to go first ?" Harry asked.

 Hermione covered her mouth so she could talk" I want to go to the bookstore,oh and I need a new quill so I'll have to go get one. Then I suppose we could go to honeydukes and maybe drop in at the three broomsticks?"  Ron nodded. " Yeah I want to go to zonkos to." Harry swallowed. " Yeah mate me too." 

They finished their breakfast and headed out of the great hall to li9ne up in Filch's line. " He's taking forever" Ron whined. " That's because he's interogating each student. " Harry said. " Well he needs to hurry up with the interogating. " Hermione huffed. 

After what felt like years it was finally there turn Harry went first and Filch bombarded him with the most question. After giving Harry an untrusting look he let him go. Harry stood behind Filch waiting for Ron and Hermione. 

Filch turned around. " What are you still Doing here?"  He sneered. " I'm waiting for my friends. " He gestured to Ron and Hermione. " Why are you three panning something?" He growled. Harry sighed annoyingly. " Yeah we were planning on going to hogsmead with eachother. Filch obviously didn't trust him because he said. " You can wait for them outside, no go!" He barked. 

Harry rolled his eyes . " See you in a few." He said to his friends. 

He stepped outside and waited in the cool autum air. After a few minutes Ron emerged. " Hermione's still being interigated in there. " He pointed with his thumb at the door. " Of course she is" Harry sighed. 

Finally Hermione came out and joined Harry and Ron. " My goodness that was horrible!" She said. She linked her arms with Harry and Ron's and started walking ." Where too first?" She asked. " Well zonko's is right there so let's go there first " Ron said. They changed their direction, heading for the joke shop. 

" Hey Ron that reminds me. If Fred and George came back to school, who is running their joke shop?" " Oh yeah!" Hermione said. " I forgot about thier shop!" Ron shrugged his shoulders. " I don't know I haven't asked. I only just found out they were coming back to school the other day." " Well is we see them we'll have to ask them" Harry said.

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