Chapter 34 Part 1: On the same page

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Authors Note: Hello Lovelies! *sigh* I know, I know...I disappeared for way too long and honestly a lot has been going on and I've had a lot to deal with.

As much as I would like to get into the details, it's not important right now.

  I am back with another chapter and I hope y'all will like it.

There's also another thing I wanted to tell you but I forgot *Sweat drop* I hope I'll remember it though

Anyway :) let us just get right into it

3rd Person

Mikoto honestly didn't know whether to tell Sasuke about what happened or not. She has been debating with herself, pondering over whether it would be a good if she told him. She knows just how protective her son is over Hinata and Hikaru and so she doesn't know what he would do.

She also knows that with everything that's been going on, his mental state is tipping on the edge of insanity and although she knows that he wouldn't really lose his mind, she fears what he might do.

But then again, she just had to tell him because he would find out anyway.

She drives back to the company building where she goes up to find her youngest son. She was supposed to go to the hospital with him earlier but he was called back because of some complications at work.

The look on his face after she tells him everything is one that she would never forget. His face is blank for a moment but she can see the rage swimming in his eyes. Seeing him so unresponsive made her briefly wonder if she had made a mistake.

"Thank you for telling me" Is what he had said to her before embracing her and leaving with a stony look on his face.

"Please don't do anything rash. Hiashi may be cruel but he isn't stupid." She voices her concern.

He simply stands before his mother and fastens the jacket around her shoulders.

"It's cold out tonight. Go home mother and drive safely." He says in a tone that is unreadable.

Mikoto wants to say more but all she can do is stare hopelessly as he ignores her promptings.

He is too calm ...she actually thought he would have done something by now and that's what makes her suspicious. What on earth is he scheming? Itachi seems to be in the same head space. Should she be worried?


It's been 40minutes since his mother left and Sasuke is in no high spirits. After the talk with his mother Sasuke is positively livid. That old man Hiashi just can't seem to sit still and mind his own business. He is deeply distributed and angered by what his mother told him but he also can't help but worry about the lavender eyed woman.

Sasuke makes his way to out of the elevator in an attempt to leave. He enters the lift and begins his decent when his phone starts to buzz in his pocket. At the vibrations, he digs his hands in his jacket pocket and picks up without bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" He speaks disinterestedly.

"I'm surprised you picked up Sasuke-kun." A voice that brings nothing but disgust and anger to his being speaks from the other side.


"You have a lot of nerve calling my phone after the stunt you pulled." He growls, his form growing rigid as hot anger fills his veins. Said female lets out a chuckle which sounds more like an evil cackle in the Uchihas ears.

The amount of hate that fills his heart at that moment, he can't even describe. He never thought that he would ever entertain such violent thoughts again but at this point he just wants her to get hurt and oh shit! This is not doing any favors to his anger management. He's working to get passed it but he can't help it.

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