Chapter 35: They all fall down

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Authors Note: *sneaks around and checks if anyone is still here.*
Cough cough... Hello beautiful people.
I know I know I have been gone for a whole year and I am truely sorry.
I apologize for disappearing like that🙏🏼
Its been a crazy time but I've never lost the drive to finish this story.
Y'all deserve a finish and I've been working on it, though it's been incredibly slow.
I've been writing this chapter for the longest time now I hope y'all will enjoy it
Let's jump right into it :)

3rd Person

The cool breeze remains relentless as the darkness becomes more apparent. At this hour a few students are loitering around but that's to be expected. Everything seems normal and everyone is going about their lives as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. Or so it seems.

"I will admit I was surprised that you answered my call, let alone wanted to meet me." The smug pinkette utters as she takes slow careful steps towards the brooding male. She knows better that to get to close to him especially right now. Sasuke stands a little off behind her clad in the same coat he adorned that afternoon and all black underneath.

Said male rolls his eyes at her words and takes a step forward. He gets right in her face which surprises Sakura causing her to take a step back. "It's going to be a cold night tonight", he starts looking passed her shoulder before settling his eyes on her face, "You should have come more prepared." He says cryptically.

The bubble gum haired female draws her cherry colored lips into a smile.

"I didn't know you cared this much Sasuke-kun." She utters to which Sasuke simply gives out a silent scoff before brushing past her shoulder 'not so gently'.

'Talk about rude.' The voice inside his head comments offhandedly.

'You rather I throw her a parade?' He retorts and then halts. 'Ugh, I'm talking to myself again.'

Sakura follows after him and soon matches strides with him although she has to put in a little work to keep up with him.

For Sakura it all feels a little nostalgic. She even smiles a little when she recalls how it used to be when they were together. Ah! Good times...

They are just passing by the men's locker rooms when she decides to speak.

"Remember how we used to sneak around to hook up in the locker room during practice? We did a lot of wild and crazy things actually" she starts with a laugh that sounds more like a shrill in Sasuke's ears. "It was always a thrill being with you." She flashes him a scandalous grin which he doesn't even bat an eyelash to.

"Don't you miss that Anata?" She purrs and sneakily starts to slide a hand up his bicep. "We used to have a lot of fun." Before she can slide her hand up his shoulder he shrugs her off and mentally curses at her.

This motion irritates her but she simply sucks her teeth and plays off the rejection by flipping her hair over her shoulder in a bid to appear unfazed. The mirth in her features is replaced by a grimace as she crosses her arms in a sulk.

"You sure have changed a lot Sasuke." Sakura utters bitterly as they finally reach their destination. "I don't remember you being this..." She pauses to stare him up and down. "Conservative." She finishes only receiving an eye roll.

"You're not the Sasuke I knew." And what she said did rain true. Sasuke is not the same person.

In all honesty he doesn't even know how he's able to hold in all his rage at the pinkette. When he saw her standing there looking smug he just wanted to wrap his hands around her and wring her neck again. fact that even seems merciful. He would run her over with a flatbed truck for good measure if he could. Damn...the violent thoughts were taking over but he had to choke them down and remember the reason why he was here in the first place.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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