Chapter 18: Man up

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Authors Note: Hello from the other side! *sings loudly*
Hello people :)
I apologise for the long wait but it's now all over.
I'm back baby!
I hope you enjoy♡♥
Disclaimer: the art used is not mine.



“Teme!” the idiotic blonde has been yelling my name for some time now.

“Where are you Sasuke Teme!” he yells out in search of me which doesn't make sense because he knows where I am. What the hell does he want this early in the morning? Can't he just give up.

 I woke up on the cold hardwood floor of my study, the very floor that is littered with all sorts of crap. So I think it’s best to say that I look like Crap. Hells I even feel like Crap.

I’ve been seated at the foot of my desk staring blankly at the wall in front of me. I’ve been up for a while but I can’t seem to bring myself to get up and unfortunately this has been my routine now for the past three days. Every day, I get up, shower and then end up spending the rest of my day in this destroyed room I once called my study. I spend most hours locked in here lamenting and simply staring at the little photo of Hikaru.

Pathetic right? Tch, oh how the mighty have fallen, but that’s all I’ve been able to do.

My phone has been off and I’ve been locked in here so I haven’t had contact with anyone for three days expect Naruto who keeps coming everyday despite my wanting to be alone.

His voice draws closer and closer and soon enough I hear his loud footsteps approaching before hearing a loud gasp followed by a curse.

Well it looks like I forgot to lock the door today.

“Whoa! What happened here!” he exclaims making me resist the urge to cover my ears. Seriously, is talking like a normal person too much to ask?

“Oh there you are, I’ve been trying to get to you for days.” He says when he finally spots me to which I release an exasperated sigh.

“Damn it Teme, what have you been doing in here?” Naruto speaks as he walks around the room. I hear the crunch of glass breaking as his feet move across the room before he appears in my line of vision.

“Damn it…you injured yourself,” he says “Wait here, I’ll go get the first aid kit.” He says before bustling out of my tattered study. Even though I am well aware that this is not the place I should be lounging in, last night I completely did not care and slept right here on the shards of glass and splinters causing them to pierce my skin anew.

 I scoff at his words despite myself. Wait here? Do I look like I’m in the mood to go out on the town? Where the hell does he think I’d be going looking the way I do?

Naruto comes in a few seconds later with the medical kit. I glare up at him as soon as he kneels down in front of me. There is no way I am letting this idiot tend to me.

“I don’t need your help.” I growl out and make a move to stand but wince at the sudden sharp pain in my right shoulder.

“Yeah because you’re doing great” The blonde sasses back with sarcasm.

“I’m not in the mood for thi-”

“Sit down Sasuke.” A deep voice speaks up leaving no room for argument. My protest comes to an end as surprise takes over me. With wide eyes I glance towards the door only to be met with…

“Nii-san…” I trail off.

And just like that I end up seated on the top of my desk, shirt off with Naruto using a pair of tweezers to remove pieces of glass that got lodged in my shoulder, the biggest piece having been removed first. Once he gets them all out he cleans the cuts with alcohol and man does it sting like a mother fucking bitch. All I can do is grit my teeth and try not to make a sound because well, that would be even more embarrassing than what’s happening right now.

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