Chapter 10

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briefly edited
excuse mistakes

📍Tyrone's house

Kaliah walked to the living room and Jaaliyah went to the kitchen to get some water

"Kaliah baby, wheres your daddy?" Jaaliyah asked looking in the refrigerator to start cooking some food knowing she would be hungry later on in the night.

"He went to the bathroom"  she said playing with her toys & Jaaliyah nodded

"Boo!" Someone said. Jaaliyah pulled her gun out and turned around. She smacked her lips & put her gun away after she saw who it was.

"Damn Ty you almost got your head blown off" Jaaliyah said trying the catch her breath. He laughed then pulled his younger sister into a hug.

"Uhm I gotta tell you something" Jaaliyah said fidgeting with the rings on her fingers as she was released from the hug

"What's up baby sis?" Tyrone said sitting down

"Me and Shawn are dating and I wanted you to hear it from me." Jaaliyah said jumping on the counter to sit on.

"Bout time. Y'all been messing around for years." Tyrone said nonchalantly

"Yeah- wait how you know about the past? I never told you" Jaaliyah asked confused. Shawn and Jaaliyah were very discrete about them messing with each other.

"Yeah uhm...I came home during the day to hear you moaning shawns name...and when I tell you I was traumatized for weeks. I still am" he cringed and Jaaliyah slapped the back on his head

"Yeah yeah whatever. I have a game to get too. I can take Kaliah if you want. That way you can handle more business or just chill." Jaaliyah said giving him a hug

"Yeah thank lil sis" he returned the hug and pulled away

"Anytime." Jaaliyah  gave him a kiss on his cheek as he walked to play with his daughter. She turned around and got back to cooking dinner for all 3 of them.

📍Beverly Hills Highschool

"Ok Kaliah you're gonna go sit with my friend Layla ok? She's very nice and will buy you snacks" Jaaliyah said and she nodded. She turned to Layla who was standing beside her.

"Thank you for watching her and keeping it a secret. Also sorry for being such a bitch" Jaaliyah said and hugged Layla. Jaaliyah wasn't really sorry, she just needed to move on with life.

"It's ok. Spencer told me you don't trust easily and that you'll come around. I'm glad we can be friends." She said grabbing Kaliahs hand then walking away.

Majorette and drill team preformed together^

The track meet was canceled. Spencer was playing both sides but wasn't doing great because he was injured from the interaction with Shawn.

Coach Baker took him out the game and they ended up losing because of that. Jaaliyah didn't talk to anyone. She just thanked Layla again & picked Kaliah up and left to her car.

In the car

"Auntie Liyah, Layla is sooo nice! I also met Olivia! They're so funny" Kaliah said while drinking her juice

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