Chapter 19

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A/n: Before I get into the story I wanna thank y'all for making this happen

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A/n: Before I get into the story I wanna thank y'all for making this happen. Idk how the charts are ranked cause there's plenty of people with higher views Nd shit. I wanna say I appreciate every single one of you. I also start school next Wednesday (August 11th) I'm gonna make chapters before hand therefore I can stay on top of everything. The chapters y'all will see from now on probably have been sitting in my drafts. Also who do y'all wanna end up with? I'm adding hella new characters later. Like in the next few chapters. Uhm just to let y'all know Shawn is not an option to end up with unless you wanna be 6ft under 😃.. Oh btw my name is Kenadi🦖💕 sooo y'all have a lil piece of information abt me. Imma tell y'all a few things. I'm a kneegrow (hint my user), I'm a Pisces (March 16th), Jaaliyah is a lot like me but with a few extra things so if you like jaaliyah then you'll like me, I dress jaaliyah how I dress. I can't stand seeing stories and they put me in a Nike shirt, Jordan sweatpants, then champion slides or sum. YOU SHOULDNT MIX BRANDS LIKE THAT EVER! Anyways let's get into this story, much love

As we walked into the block party, Spencer and Patience walked up to us

"Yo, you lost?" Spencer specifically said towards Shawn.

"Man, I ain't here to start nun. It's coops big day. She wanted her boy by her side, thats all." Shawn shrugged

"Why is that?" Spencer asked

"Yeah I'm sick of this bull shit already. Y'all are killing my mood and driving me crazy. Let's go Patience. Bye asshole" you gave Shawn a kiss then danced away from them with Patience. Once y'all got far enough you stopped Patience.

"Hey, I know you scared for coop but just know I'm protecting her. I wouldn't let her do something I would do. Lord knows I've done did a lot."

"Thanks Liyah. I know I can trust you. Your biggest pet peeve are liars therefore you wouldn't be one yourself."

"Look Patience. I know youre scared of me and all but it's ok to cuss me out" you laughed

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