Chapter 2: Ritual

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Daisy awoke in their room, which the Elders had helped them make. It was dark, but let some moonlight in. And they had a leaf hammock. Daisy stretched and hopped out of bed, walking into the hallway, where all the other Elders stood in fronf of their own rooms, smiling at Daisy, waiting for her. "Morning uh- Sibling!" Mekh said with a wave, not sure what to call a non-binary sibling.

   "Good morning sunshine," Lamed said softly with a smile. "How'd you sleep?"
"I slept good.." Daisy said a bit drowsily, rubbing their eyes. They walked to their adoptived Mother and hugged her, whom hugged back.

"Come on, Tsudi made breakfast for us," Ayin said, Patting Daisy's back, and lead them into the dining room.
   They all sat down, and Daisy looked around, smiling at everyone, whom all smiled back. They looked at their plate which contained Bacon, and blueberry pancakes.
   Daisy picked up their fork and put it into the pancake, picking it up and bringing it to their mouth and taking a bite. "It's yummy!" They exclaimed, making a pleasant face.

Lamed smiled. "That's good."
   "Yeah!" Mekh said, a little loudly. "Blueberry pancakes are my favorite! And Sah likes Pineapple pancakes."
   Daisy made an "oooo" sound and continued to eat their pancakes, and after that the bacon. The Elders ate their food as well, then got up out of their chairs, and so did Daisy.

"Want to see how our rituals are performed?" Sekh asked, and Daisy tilted their head. "Ritual?"
"Basically when a Sky Kid gives us an offering we perform a ritual," Ayin explained, and Daisy nodded their head.

"How do you do it?" They asked, and Daleth stepped up to speak first.

"I wave my staff around to create light."

Ayin was next. "I create butterflies."

Next was Teth. "I forge the light into a crystal-like object."

Tsudi spoke up. "I put the light into my spear."

Then Lamed. "I use a cyrstal with the light to light up all the constellations."

And last but not least, the Twins. "We just play keep away and whoever flings it into the sky gets bragging rights," Sah and Mekh spoke at the same time.
   "They all sound so cool! I wish I had a ritual of my own," Daisy said, sparkly-eyed.

"Maybe you can, we would show you ours but we're on break this week."

"I can have my own?!" Daisy gasped, intrigued.
   Lamed nodded. "Mhm, come this way." She took their hand and brought them to a big empty room with a light in the middle.
"You go to the light, and do whatever comes to mind." She told them, and Daisy nodded. "Okay!"

They walked to the light and grabbed it. They stood there for a few moments, not sure what to do, then began to dance.

They spun the light around, and threw it into the air and caught it.
   They then began to waltz with it, dancing left and right, then held it close to their chest, and let it go, letting it float up into the air, filling the room with light.

"Wow..." Daisy spoke in awe.
   Lamed smiled. "And that's your ritual. Come on, let's go tell the others!"
  "Okay Mama!" Daisy giggled, walking  with Lamed back to where the others were, which was the living room.
"Daisy has a ritual, it's dancing."

  Sah and Mekh both made Sr Pelo gasps and hugged their sibling. "Yay!" They both exclaimed, making Daisy really proud. "I hope I do good!" They said, smiling with that smol little face of theirs.

Mekh squished their cheeks. "Eh?" Daisy was confused on what just happened when suddenly they got picked up. "H-hey!" They said, surprised at the sudden gesture.

"You are just TOO adorable! We should take you to the wasteland one day and-"

Mekh was cut off by Tsudi. "Absolutely not. You both know that the krills are far too dangerous for a child, especially one who lost their memory."

The room fell silent. "What's a Krill?" Daisy asked.
   Tsudi sighed and knelt down to Daisy's height. "Sit down, Daisy. I'll tell you the whole story."

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