Chapter 4: Magic

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(SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG! I APOLOGIZE!!! And I apologize that this chapter is short.)

Daisy woke up with a loud shriek, and they hugged themselves, hyperventilating.
   "Daisy?!" Lamed called and ran to her child, picking them up and hugging them. "What happened?!"
   "I had a bad dream.." Daisy said, sobbing into Lamed's arms.

Sah and Mekh showed up. "What was that noise?" They asked, and Lamed looked at them.
    "Daisy just had a nightmare," Lamed said.
   "Are they okay?" Mekh asked, and Lamed looked at Daisy, whose body was twitching. "I-I'll be fine.." They spoke meekly to their sister. That was a lie. They weren't fine at all, they were scared. All those other creatures were gone, and whatever happened in that dream was haunting them.

"Daisy..." Sah reached a hand out to Daisy and pet their head soothingly.
   Daisy flinched at first, but soon welcomed the gesture as they were put down. Daisy then sneezed a blue flame. "What was that?" Lamed gasped.
   "Magic!" Mekh squealed, bouncing up and down. "Must be," Sah said, happy and a bit confused.

   Lamed gasped. "Wow, that's new." She hummed and pat Daisy's head. "Can you do it again, dear?" She asked, and Daisy weakly nodded. "I-I'll try." They squeaked, and snapped their fingers, creating a blue flame. It floated there for a while, Daisy stared at it, intrigued by what she had just conjured, before it disappeared. "W-wow... I never knew I could do that!" They said, internally squealing.

"We have to tell everyone!" Mah exclaimed, dashing to the others and telling them, and I quote: "Daisy has magic and it's pretty swag y'all should go check it out."

Daleth, Ayin, Teth and Tsudi all dashed over. "We heard Daisy has magic!" They all said at once.

"Yeah, and it is pretty swag." Sah and Mekh said, with Mekh making an 'uwu' face.

"May we see?" Daleth asked, kneeling to Daisy's height. "I-I can try!" They said, closing their eyes and concentrating. They snapped their fingers and that same blue flame appeared for a while, then vanished again. "That's amazing!" Sah said, clapping his hands.

Teth sighed, making the others stare at her. "What's wrong Auntie Teth?" Daisy asked, walking up to her.

Teth looked down at Daisy. "Daisy... You're part of the long lost Moon Tribe."

"Moon Tribe?" Daisy asked, and Teth nodded. "They had free use of certain magical spells, like that flame you created just now."

"What happened to them?" Mekh questioned, intrigued.

"Nobody knows, they disappeared without a trace, as far as I know, Daisy may be the last one to ever exist."

Daisy just stared at everyone, their world starting to spin. Moon Tribe? She was a Moon Kid after all.. But the last one to ever exist? What happened to the others? Was their dream connected to their disappearence at all? They didn't understand, thoughts were racing through their head at high speeds when finally, they broke their silence.

"I... Think I need some time alone." Daisy said, as they walked into their room, shut the door, turned off the light, and laid down on their bed and closed their eyes, falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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