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Jin pov ,

I was going back to the parking space as I didn't find y/n anywhere.

But I stopped when I heard someone sobbing on a chair.

It was a girl. Looked younger than y/n. No one was with her. Just that girl silently crying infront of a door .

I became curious and went near her and tap her shoulder.

She looked at my face . She had red and puffy eyes which melt my heart.

I sat down next to her and asked why she was crying

G/n :M-my brother...

She started crying hard . I side hugged her as I don't know whether she is comfortable with a stranger like me or not .

Jin : What happened to your brother?

G/n :H-he got in-into an accident inorder t-tp save me . I'm the r-reason why he i-is in this sta-state..

I caressed her soft hair which was almost messy

Jin : Nothing will happen to your brother. The doctors will save him for sure. And also, Don't blame yourself in this incident. For every brother his sister will be his world.

(Even though I forget it For a while😐)

Jin :When he wake up he wants to see your happy face. You should not cry. You should be strong for your brother.

G/n :I ignored him for somany days. I fought with him eventhough he didn't do anything. A-and also caused him an accident. Ho-how can I repay all these.

Jin : Just apologize to him and give him a hug. It will be more than enough for a loving brother to forgive his sister.... But do it as fast as you can, Don't wait for tomorrow.

I patted her head and went away from there. I can see myself in her . Just different situations. My dumb self...

(Don't know why I add these sequence ) ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

When I was walking back my shoelaces bevame loose and I sat down to tie it. Just like before I heard someone talking from the other side . The sound felt familiar to me.

My curious self made me to eves drop.

" Everything will be fine Lisa.. he will be fine... We just had our first date yesterday .... We didn't even confess to each other... He had promised me to stay with me always. So he can't leave us right? Once he had told me that he want to be a boyfriend of the one he always loved atleast for a day . He have many things to do in future.. he can't go... He can't go anywhere...I won't let him go... "

So..... Everything...

Everything was just some lies.

How come I ?

Im not a good brother.

I didn't trust her. I should have

Why did I even believe that slvt ?

I'm sorry y/n

( My story is going somewhere else ಠ‿ಠ )

I sat there with my head burried in my hands. I can't leave y/n here in this situation. Bit also I can't go infront of her.

She Hates me a lot. More than anything else.

Who I'm I expecting to love me after doing all those things .

I can still hear some sobs .

After sometime I saw Lisa leaving with a teared up eyes.

When I looked infront of ICU I saw y/n staring at the ceiling debating with the tears.

My mind was saying to go and hug her tightly. But I can't handle if she push me away.

I thought that I was mature. But I was wrong in realizing a good and wrong person.

I just pass a sorrowfull chuckle.

"I don't regret you but sometimes I wish
I had walked away at the start and left things at hello"

                              To Be countinued-------------

Hey bubs,

I know it is a small chapter.😐

But working on something new 😉

I'm trying to make my outmost effort in
making this more interesting.✨

Hope everyone liked the chapter🦋

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Love u all💜

Be safe💕

Your cute author🥰

OUR ONE AND ONLY SISTER ( On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now