Self Inserted and Fucked Childhood!

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You know... If I was ever self inserted I always thought it'd be the usual "Get hit by Truck-kun" or god forbid, "Random ROB decides to be a dick and plop me somewhere like the lower omnipotent being he/she/they is/are."

But nope, I don't get that! Wanna know what I get?

Me flipping getting mugged(even though I obviously had NOTHING of value, I forgot my wallet at home), and dying for immediately punching the mugger in the god damn jaw.

Yeah turns out he had a knife and fricking stabbed me in the throat with it.

Turns out I get the whole god/goddess shtick because the next thing I know I hear a echoing voice saying the following;
"Yes. He will be perfect for what I need. As a contingency of course."
Did I also mention I got the whole "This is my Dad now" feeling from it too? No? Let's move on.

Then I wake up on the steps of in orphanage in Britain of all places. As a Baby. No mom, no dad, no sibling. A noy even a month old. Baby.

Not only that but I felt... Weird. Not the whole "Holy Fucking shit I'm a child!" No, I felt unusually calm about this, and dare I fucking say, hollow. Not sure if this is an after effect of being Self Inserted somewhere else or if it's something else that's screwing with me.

Then I had questions zipping through my mind. What universe am I in? Why was I here? Who the hell was that voice? Who's that woman?

Turns out my last question was answered. Everyone; meet Lillian Walsh. Think Volume 7 Blake Belladonna except about 5 inches shorter, no cat ears, and wears some casual British clothes.

"A child?" She asks, holy hell she even sounds like Blake.

She picks me up and carries me. Which wasn't even embarrassing at all(you'd know why) considering 1. I'm a baby. 2. I'm not stupid enough to do that.

She talks to some older woman, who looks like Kali unsurprisingly, except shes wearing a white skirt that goes down to her ankle, black high heels, and a simple black long sleeve shirt.

"A baby at the doorstep?" She asks "I never expected that. We just opened!" She states in shock.

Huh. So a recently opened Orphanage? Doesn't say much about what universe I'm in but I'm not gonna complain.

"Is he healthy?" "Kali" asks as she looks at me in concern.

"I'm not sure mom-" huh, not surprised, "-but he seems fine, he's blinking and breathing. Despite being pale. His eyes are odd too, the Iris's is almost Black.

"I'll take him to the crib" Lillian says to her mother.

A few seconds later an I'm in a crib, and am slowly rocked by Lillian, I'm gonna call her Lily to keep things short, and sung a lullaby. Sadly for me, it's working. I peacefully drift off to sleep wondering what world I was in, but little did I know that in a matter of a few years will I know exactly where I am.

10 years later...

I have changed a lot in those 10 years. To recap what I've done I will list them so you don't get overly pissed off by this time skip.

First things first, within less than a year of my arrival I was able to relearn how to walk and talk, and was given the name Benjamin Malone.

About 6 years later when I was able to go to Nursery School, which funnily enough was in an actual primary school I checked out the library and nearly had a heart attack. Why? Because Fuyuki existed. Which made me, internally of course, scream as that ment I was in Fate, aka Nasuverse, which meant that Zeltrech exists meaning he's likely watching me. I prayed that this was the canon and not fanon version.

That and I got a nickname that stuck due to how skinny I was, my nickname is Bones. And I wasn't even that skinny.

In the following years many people avoided me, why? Because of how I felt and acted.

Let me be specific; I gave off a weird aura, and not only did I give off a weird aura, I barely emoted. Key word being barely.

I was basically an Uchiha when it came to conversations. Not only that, but I just looked different. My skin was very pale, my hair was white, and my eye color was basically black.

No one adopted me because of my aura and looks and I had no friends because of it. Well... I made one. She died a year ago though.

Her name was Thalia Arlene and she was the kindest person ever. Always trying to help others no matter the situation, she had blonde hair, hazelnut colored eyes, and some freckles.

And she always urged me to do the right thing. Despite me being spiteful towards others.

I don't think I mentioned I was a spiteful and tricky little shit did I? Well I was. And damn good at it too! Buckets of paint, glue, tar, you name it. It was always aimed at those that wronged me in some way.

And you know Thalia's helpful personality? Well one day she helped a seemingly harmless man into the orphanage. Turns out said man was a pedo and tried to. Well. You get the gist of it. Fortunately she screamed LOUDLY and kicked the man in the balls, unfortunately this got her a smashed skull courtesy of said man.

Fortunately I killed him with a knife and stabbed him alot. Unfortunately I had to hold my first and only friend as she died of a head wound. Not before she basically begged me to try my best to help people. I promised.

Shortly after that police came, took the bodies, questioned me, I attended her funeral and promptly went back into "Uchiha Mode."

Yeah. Life's fucked up mostly for your's truley.

But guess what? Shortly after my 10th birthday(turns out I was born in 05/23/2004) I get adopted by a Magus named Sly Cricket.

Thus, begins my life as a magus.

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