Ruina magum(Part 1)

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AN: Some Changes(such as age) have vbeen made in order for shipping to be possible. I'm bored needless to say and I want ~drama~

The First Member

It was a night like any other when I met her. I was going after a Philosopher for his ability to summon swords and launch them, I knew it wasn't Ultimate Blade Works as the book said nothing about a Reality Marble. Which would have been rad as hell considering how over fucking powered those things are. I might consider taking one... Well maybe another time then.

Anyways, finding the guy was difficult, more difficult than the others. In speaking of that, I've found and killed 3 other Magus and two Enforcers after that golemancer. The 3 Magus each had a thing I wanted. The first one, Liliana Emiya, could make armour and clothes incredibly strong with some unknown runes, not only that, but she was smoking hot. Sadly she murdered lots of people for her power, normal people specifically, so she had to die.

The second Magus could actually do a thing similar, more like identical, to metal bending, except he made said metal molten hot while doing it, he would have been useful for a group I'm planning to make if he hadn't used humans as living casts. Which was fucking sick, disgusting, and rage inducing. I'd tell you his name, but I forgot it.

The last one was insane, but smart as he had detailed information on how the Greater Grail is moved and its energy, and also knew how to use souls to control automatons. Sadly he used child souls and was, in his words, a "kiddie strangler." His name was also Dave,  and for some fucking reason he was painted purple. Like, the fuck? What was he, an eggplant or something?

Wait a fucking second. Don't fucking tell me Dayshift at Freddy's exist here.

Back on topic, the Enforcers they sent were pretty skilled. Almost made me lose an arm and a leg. In speaking of body parts, as a pseudo-hand I'm using void tendrils. Neat huh? These guys were fire magus and were really skilled. If I hadn't put the Emiya chicks rune on my cloak I would've been fried.

Also my "personal Team Rocket" have tried multiple ways to catch me, even hired some hot freelancer to seduce me. I wasn't even sure little Ben even worked until that happened.

Anyways her attempt to seduce me failed and we talked. Turns out she wants to join me on my quest to ruin the clocktower. The reasoning being that they killed her family and wants to have vengence on them. One swipe from a dreamnail(which an Enforcer took to be an asshole) and I learned she was being honest.

"What the hell?!" She said leaping back and pulling out a, holy shit that's a big ass gun.

"Relax," I say holding my hands up "just needed to make sure that you weren't lying to me.

She narrows her eyes as I extend a hand "You may already know this, but my name is Benjamin Malone, though my friends call me 'Bones.'"

"What friends?" She quipped.

Jesus christ that hit hard.

"My name is Lilith Kotomine" she says, introducing herself.

Hm. Black hair, blue eyes, checks out. "It's nice to meet you Lilith." I say with a smile.

"You're lucky you're handsome. I would have shot you, then let you explain yourself."

I wheezed at that. Also! I am in fact really handsome, I molted a few days ago so I'm now taller.

(Image made by Snake Oil Salesmen/Danhal)

"You're lucky you're so hot, I would have attacked you the moment you pulled your gun on me." Which I wouldn't have because I want her to join my group.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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