Adopted, Unveiled Info, and a Rude Familiar

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So, you're probably wondering how it happened, you know, my adoption. Well I'm gonna tell you.

So, one day on the weekend some old guy came in, said he was looking for a kid to adopt. Of course Lillian was concerned because the guy was twitchy as hell and couldn't stay still. Of course the not staying still part can be applied to the fact that he is probably ADHD, like how I used to be before I got inserted to this world. The twitching could be some sort of disease or habit. Maybe the old dude has Tourette's!

Anyways, as everyone played and I had my nose in a book, he would watch us. Which was weird. But the weirdest part?

He mostly watched me.

This, naturally, made me heavily concerned. Why? The guy is probably a Magus or someone from the god damn clocktower. Of course that would be it. But I don't remember there being any Magus families called "Cricket," so maybe he isn't one and I'm just stressing over nothing.

Turns out he's actually very cheerful, greedy, and has one of those Van Dyke moustaches but without the beard.

So about a week or so later guess who got adopted? Me. In all honesty, I never expected it. Not in 40 thousand years did I expect it.

So it was a normal day at school, I was reading as the teacher gave an overly long lecture before being called to the office. Of course I wondered if they figured out that it was I who plastered the girls bathroom with stereotypical girl stuff. Such as barbie dolls and what they thought "cute" boys were.

After I was notified that I had to leave the school and go back to the orphanage Lillian took me back, and guess who I flipping saw? Sly Cricket himself, along with everyone in the orphanage. Didn't take two and two together to figure out that I was adopted by him.

'Son of a bitch' I thought as I walked up to them.

"Benjamin, this is gonna be your new guardian, this is Mr. Cricket and he promised he was gonna take good care of you." Lillian told me

She knew how much I disliked it but I held my attitude(or lack thereof) and reached out to shake his hand(which was gloved), and said "It's nice to meet you Mr. Cricket."

He proceeded to chuckle good naturedly and state "Call me Sly! Mr Cricket makes me sound old."

I decided I liked him.

I packed my things and took my gifts from the other kids and we were on our way. I was actually happy and thought 'Hey! Maybe I'll have a normal life and won't have to deal with Magus bullshitting! While also keeping my promise!'

Oh how wrong a few hours ago me was...

We got on a plane and flew to Japan. I sweated the whole time as that ment I was closer to where everything is gonna go down. Thankfully, we didn't land at the island. Rather, we landed on Japan itself and went to the Japanese country side. Beautiful plains and rivers went by as we passed, and went to a secluded town called, according to Sly, Uddorandonesuto, or Woodland Nest in English.

We then drove past a shop called "Sly's Adventurers Shop!"

I point and asked(childishly) "Is that yours?"

He nodded "It is indeed my store." He says smiling "and since you're gonna live with me, you can help me out!" He winked in the mirror.

A few minutes later, deep in the forest I see a house, it has multiple Japanese gates leading up to it, but instead of the usual red, they are all black, a closer lool shows that it is a two story house with black walls, white roofing, and a wide area behind it with a white circle in said area.

It was peaceful. And I liked it.

He leads me inside the house and I look around in wonder, I then hear the door shut fast. I turn around and see him look at me with utmost seriousness.

"Follow" he says to me, and I follow.

He places his hand against a wall and it opens, revealing a spiral staircase. We go down said staircase and come into a sort of library/Magus Workshop place. Books line two of the four walls, one wall has various swords, specifically light weight ones like rapiers, short swords, and even, for some reason I already instinctually knew this, Nails.

He then whipped around and, with a 'Dream Nail' from what I could sense was swung at me and I briefly felt... Something occur.

"So you're the right one." He says, "Sit."

I sit down.

"For some reason or another, my king has sent me to this world to train you. Why? I do not know. Not only that, but I am wanted by this 'clocktower' that you speak of."

I winced at that, "Why?"

He snorts, "shortly after I arrived to this world I had an accident. I needed a blood transfusion and accidentally got Emiya blood-" that explains the swords "-in me. They want to get rid of me because I am a 'Faker' and will not stop till I die. Fortunately, I am not dead yet. As for why my king asked me to train you? I do not know."

I internally sigh at that answer. Of course this would happen.

"Can you train me?" I ask hopefully. I need all the knowledge I can get and training I can get.

He considers it before nodding. "I was ordered to, and am in need of a brand new apprentice. But first! You need a familiar. And to learn the Japanese language!"


He had me swing a Dream Nail at him.

A few days later...

I... May have made a mistake...

So basically, I caught a black cat in our local cemetery, its spirit aura(a thing I learned from Sly) was weird so I caught it. I accidentally knocked it out and did the ritual on it at home...

Turns out a spirit called Amanojaku temporarily possessed a cat so he could scare the hell out of someone, and the familiar ritual got him stuck in said cat. Where he'll remain till either the cat dies, or I die. And he doesn't know if he'll be free if the cat dies and he can't kill me as the contract prevents it.

So he decided to cuss me out and insult me...

For the last 4 hours of the day.

Son of a bitch.

At least I can learn Magus stuff now?

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