"Murder capital of the world" - Chapter one

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My arm sat out of the window as the wind pushed against it with such force , I had my foot down on the accelerator and my red Chevrolet raced down the long stretch of road. It was the 1971 model that originally belonged to my father, he had saved it for my 21st birthday and finally I was able to take off in it. The world was mine. Not only had I received the car but I'd been able to change my appearance, this made me feel like I'd found myself . My hair was now a jet black colour with strands of bright red throughout it . My septum now pierced along with an upside down cross tattoo that sat on the right side of my upper neck. The summer of 1987 was going to be the one where everything changed, little did I know that the change I faced ahead wasn't what I had expected...

In the distance I could read the great big letters that read the famous words 'Santa Carla'.

"Not long now." I told myself.

My foot pressed down on the accelerator even further until it was nearly touching the floor when I suddenly heard the start of 'Good times by INXS' come on the radio. I cranked the volume up even higher , so much that I couldn't hear my engine anymore. Closer and closer , I could see the letters getting bigger as I approached the beach town.

Gazing up at it as I passed felt so surreal. I'd only ever dreamt of this moment , I never expected to be here living it . Slapping the wheel with excitement I continued singing along to my song until I looked down at my wing mirror, noticing graffiti on the back of the sign .

'Murder capital of the world' it read.

My excitement died down a little bit and turned into an uneasy feeling . I remembered reading about all of those deaths and missing people that were from here, surely it was all just a coincidence.

I shrugged it off and cast my eyes back onto the road where I was greeted with goths and rockers galore . I had found my forever home...

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