"I still believe" - Chapter three

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Hours had passed since meeting Michael and he had for some reason consumed my mind , almost suffocating my thoughts . I just couldn't stop thinking of him.

Boxes upon boxes had been opened and many of my precious items were put away in their new spaces , I still had a pile to sort through tomorrow. Throughout working most of the day (and thinking about my new neighbour) I managed a few breaks , especially since I had my music blasting . Time flies by when you're playing The Doors and Led Zeppelin for hours on end. So much so that as I looked down at my watch , I noticed that the time read 17:30. SHIT! If I wanted to get down to the concert that was on at the beach , I had to leave as soon as possible . On my way into the beach town I'd noticed a few posters that were plastered on walls and lampposts inviting everyone to the event. I couldn't miss it, I just love music...

After about half an hour , I'd managed to somewhat get myself looking presentable. I decided to wear an off the shoulder red top , it was perfect to show off my tattoo; a black leather look skirt , fishnet tights , black boots and cross earrings as a little accessory. Quickly I straightened my hair to finish off and raced out the door grabbing my leather jacket as I did so.

The drive wasn't too long , perhaps around 15 minutes. Once I pulled up I could hear the music in the distance, god I hope I'm not too late . I ran across the road and made my way towards the crowd of jumping people, I wanted to make sure I had a great view so I made my way up some bleachers and stood watching a muscled man perform with his saxophone. I'd never heard this song before but I loved it. Voices sang the words ' I still believe' as my eyes gazed amongst the lively audience when I was suddenly met with a familiar face . It was Michael .

His big blue eyes stared up at me and nothing seemed to break his gaze until I waved slightly. Like snapping out of a trance he smiled at me and waved his hand beckoning me to come stand with him . Pushing through the crowd seemed impossible as hardly anyone moved to let me through , I really had to push them out of my way. Finally, I'd caught up to Michael who was standing with a slightly smaller boy with blonde hair.

"Hey!" He shouted amongst the loud noise , just like earlier with his bike engine, causing the blonde boy to turn around suddenly at Michael's voice. Aware of his movement Michael rolled his eyes and smiled almost sarcastically . "Y/N, this is Sam . Sam , Y/N" He said still with a raised voice .

"Hey , nice to meet you! I'm not just some random kid by the way, Michael forgot to mention that I'm his brother." Sam exclaimed , still having to speak loudly .

"Hi Sam." I giggled after having to shout . "Hey Michael." Smiling shyly  I could feel my cheeks begin to go red. What was wrong with me...

Michael rolled his eyes again and laughed at his brothers comment. I moved closer towards him as the crowd became more compact , to make sure I didn't get lost amongst the sea of people . Michael must have noticed as he subtly put his arm around my waist to keep me close and we enjoyed the rest of the concert.

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