"Motorbike engines" - Chapter Four

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"Oh my god what a night!" I exclaimed walking out with Michael and Sam , the adrenaline pumped through my body rapidly as I took deep breaths from the electric atmosphere.

Sam jumped up and wrapped his arms around Michael's neck almost pushing him over . They laughed loudly and paraded away through the carnival with me by their side .

"You can say that again..." Michael answered, looking down at me . I looked back up and smiled at him letting out a small giggle until I noticed his eyes wander somewhere else. Turning around swiftly I noticed he was looking at the ear piercing stall.

"I'll do it for you if you want." I asked as I turned back around to face him .

"What?" He replied.

"I'll pierce your ear , it's a rip off if you go there."

"Really? I don't know..."

"Come on, you'd really suit! We'll head up to mine and I'll do it tonight." I grinned slightly , letting my tongue sit against the top of my teeth .

"Yeah ... Yeah sounds good." Michael agreed as we made our way back to my car.

"Right well come on and we'll -" Before I even got to finish my sentence I was interrupted by the sound of a bike that whipped past me and parked up opposite us.

It was a group of four guys , yet again not much older than me or Michael, the one who parked up had long dark hair and brown eyes . He glared at me , right into my eyes and almost into my soul. They all eyed me and Michael up , watching our every movement as we all got into my car . Sam and Michael had been dropped off by their grandpa earlier who was supposed to take them home if they hadn't found another way already.

Before I managed to pull away , the four strangers raced past the front of my car missing it by a few inches.

"Watch it arseholes!!!" I screamed out of my window , my head turned towards Sams direction who was laughing in the back seat . "What? This car isn't cheap you know?" I replied with a serious tone . Both of them turned their heads and giggled amongst themselves as I pulled out onto the road and back home .

The drive back home was filled with loud music , of course, and laughs as we all spoke about the group of bikers who almost crashed into us . Pulling up onto my drive, Sam got out of the car first leaving just me and Michael alone.

"You still want me to pierce your ear?" I asked him.

"Yes of course , just let me tell Sam to head home. I'll be two seconds." He replied excitedly shutting the door behind him.

I hopped out of the car straight after him and made my way to the front door , opening it and turning on the lights of the dimly lit living room. It consisted of a rug , coffee table , a sofa and some candles which I began to light . These little candles actually made a difference and lit up the room a bit more , not only that but I needed it for Michael's ear piercing.

Hearing the door shut, I knew Michael had finished talking to Sam. He made his way into the living room and put his jacket onto the arm of the sofa , looking at all of the candles.

"Woah Y/N, I've only known you one day and you're trying to seduce me with candles?" He said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, don't flatter yourself and come sit." I laughed, nodding my head towards the spot next to me on the floor.

As he sat beside me I sterilised the needle in the candle light and asked if he wanted me to numb his ear.

"Nah . I can take it." He answered confidently.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded his head and pushed his hair out of the way. "Here we go..."

I pierced the needle through his ear causing him to wince , he actually wasn't that bad and took the pain quite well.

"Shit , I don't have a stud or anything." Michael realised he hadn't quite thought of that part and rummaged through his pockets.

"Here..." I reached up to my ear and took out one of my upside down cross earrings. I put it in his ear gently as he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Are you sure you want to give me that?" He asked politely.

"Yeah, think of it as a thank you." I answered nudging his side with my hand and putting it down beside me.

"For what?"

"For being so nice and offering to help me . For everything aha , it's only been my first day here and I've felt like I've been here forever."

Before I knew it I could feel his hand on top of mine.

"Let's just say the feelings mutual..." Michael replied. For a small minute, I could feel the tension in the air thicken as our eyes locked onto one another. His gaze broke once we stood up and made our way to the front door.

"Thanks for tonight and for this." He knocked the earring which caused me to blush and smile so slightly.

"No thank you..." This time I couldn't help but stare at his eyes as we both fell silent. It wasn't an awkward silence but rather comforting , like we'd known each other longer than we had .

"I'll see you tomorrow or something?" He said , almost insisting that he would.

"Yeah of course , I actually need some help with some more boxes if you don't mind." I asked him knowing he'd say yes.

"Yeah I'll be here , around 11 or something?"

"Sounds perfect..."

"See you then." Michael nodded before turning around and walking down the track , the moonlight cast over him as he did so .

Shutting the door , I turned to go upstairs when I noticed he'd left his jacket on the chair . I picked it up and hung it on the banister. My cheeks went red and I could feel that they were getting hot, I wasn't familiar with this feeling but I knew what it was. However, it had only been a day ...

Hi guys , just wanted to say thank you for the support so far! I am going to change some things to the original storyline , especially star and michael's relationship. You'll see further on :)

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