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main character - zach hood

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main character - zach hood

i'm watching my brother walk across the stage accepting his diploma, just thinking of how far he's come.

soon enough, i'm the one walking across, stopping at my principal to take a cheesy photo with my diploma, and looking across the auditorium, all i see is the one person i wish i didn't need to see today.

i'm not gunna be that person who always assumes things are about me, but who knows. an ex boyfriend of mine showing up all the way from new york to see who only god knows graduate.

it could be finn and oakes, i mean..they knew him before i did. again, cmon blaire, not everything has to be about you.

but i'm not too sure i want it to be about me.

i kept my eyes ahead of me, stepping down the stairs of the stage, standing next to finn. but my eyes just kept on twisting my next to look at noah in the back.

after another ten minutes of name calling and clapping, i look back to noah and there she is. that girl he posted. it wasn't ayla, but god, anyone who isn't me in his arms is just buggy to me.

i enjoy my time with oakes, he's amazing, but sometimes i wonder what things would be like if noah never said goodbye the way he did.

the one thing i hate about graduation ceremonies is the moments afterwards when you have to see your family and hang out for like twenty minutes.

"congratulations you two." my dad smiled, holding a disposable camera because he's a millennial and doesn't understand cellular devices.

i automatically pulled away from my side hug with finn right after the camera was down.

i don't want this family.

mary is not my mother. i don't want her to be my mother. i want my real mother back, and i will not settle for someone like her.

my dad wants to be with her now, but i don't think it's fair. i should be able to have a say in who he gets to marry, especially when he was married to my happiest person i could've had just five years ago.

unfair advantages.

what i thought was unfair was that noah brought a girl to my graduation. it's been five months since he graduated, he cannot come in and just bring a girl like it's a joke.

"it's great seeing you all," noah smiled, his hand drifting to wrap his arm around her waist.

"so glad you're here noah." oakes obligated, but who knows if that was sarcasm or not.

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