Chapter 22

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I walk towards the living room and before Ace and Tina joins us, I tell Jake what I am about to tell them. 

"Are you sure you are ready?" he asks me. Am I? 

"I don't know really. But I have to tell the eventually sooner I tell them sooner I don't have to worry about that too." I say to him and he nods. Few seconds later Ace and Tina join us on the couch and I tell them everything. I tell them about Clare about my parents about why I moved away. Basically everything. When I am finished, they are both speechless. they can't believe that all of this has happened to me. Tina stands up and gives me a hug.

"I am so sorry for pushing you to tell me. I had no idea. I am sorry I wasn't there for you." She says and she feels bad for me. 

"It's fine I didn't wanted to share that with anyone else than Jake but since you guys are our roommates you deserve to know. I don't want you guys to feel bad for me. I just want you to understand that right now I am in a difficult place and I like to process stuff alone sometimes. So that means sometimes I will be in my own world and not even hear you what you are saying. Not on purpose but this is how I am and don't be mad at me if I do that." I say to them hoping they will understand the struggle.

"Of course. We are both here if you need anything." Ace says to me and Jake gives him a nod I guess to thank him for what he said. Tina hugs me one more time and then Jake and I leave the room. I walk towards our room and take my clothes out of drawer. 

"I will go shower. You can join me if you want." I tell Jake and I can see how his eyes sparkle. 

"I will be joining you in a minute baby." He says and kisses me on the lips. I nod and walk towards the shower.

A minute later Jake joins me in the shower where we spend the next twenty minutes. When the water starts running down my neck and I close my eyes from pleasure Jake starts kissing my neck and slowly moves his tongue on my skin. He grabs my boob and kisses me on my lips. Every kiss is more intense. My heart begins to race and I get goosebumps from his fingers. He slowly moves his hand lower and when he starts rubbing me my eyes roll and I lightly moan from pleasure. He moves his lips back to my neck and keeps rubbing me while I can't control anything. He has a total control over me. my legs start to shake and he makes me come only by his fingers. He turns me around and slowly enters me from behind. He grabs me by my hips when he enters and I can hear a moan escape from his mouth. We both moan at the same time and my eyes roll back when he enters me again. He's making very slow motions just to torture me. I quickly move on him and a slight moan escapes from his mouth again. Fuck I love when he moans. He starts moving faster making my legs shake. After few minutes we both reach the end. I almost fall when I finish but Jake grabs me before I fall. We smile at each other and kiss one more time before we finish the shower. I put on my clothes and walk towards the room. Jake does the same. We both go in the bed and cuddle while we watch our series before we fall asleep.

I hear a loud scream right next to me and when I open my eyes, I see Jake having a nightmare. I quickly jump and move closer to him and try to wake him up. 

"Baby, it's okay. I'm here. You are okay." I say to him and he quickly opens his eyes and hugs me. 

"Baby. It's alright." I say to him. He is all sweaty and his heart is racing so fast. 

"I will bring you a glass of water. Wait here." I say to him and get him a glass of water.

He drinks the whole glass in seconds. I feel bad for him. He doesn't deserve these nightmares. I rather have them just so that he can be able to sleep. But he said that when we sleep together, he sleeps normally only sometimes nightmares appear which I am really happy about. I don't like to see him suffer. I fall asleep seconds later when he pulls me closer.

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