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The next morning, I am awakened by the smell of a nice warm coffee and pancakes? I stand up to check where is Jake. I go to the kitchen and see Jake preparing breakfast for us. 

"Smells good," I say when I walk towards Jake and kiss him. 

"Morning my princess," he says and hugs me. 

"Morning babe. What did you make for us?" I ask when I sit down behind the table. 

"Some pancakes and some bacon." When he says that he brings me my favorite coffee. Vanilla syrup and latte macchiato coffee. 

"Oh my god. You made me this coffee?" I ask him and he nods. 

"Oh my god, I love you even more than I did before," I say and jump off the chair and sit on his lap and hug him. 

"No problem babe. For you everything." He says and hugs me. 

"Now let's eat." He says and I try to stand up but he doesn't let me. 

"I want you here." He says and I nod and take my plate closer and start eating.

"It was really good, thank you for that." I say to him when we finish our breakfast. 

"It's Christmas in two week what do you want to do?" he asks me when we finish cleaning the kitchen. 

"We can go party? I haven't been on a rave for so long that I really want to go. If you want maybe. I saw that Martin Garrix has tickets available for 22nd. I really want to go kind of. He is my favorite DJ." I say to Jake. 

"You love Martin Garrix?" he asks me. What? 

"Amm... yeah why?" I ask him. 

"I already got us those tickets actually." Omg he did not. What? I am freaking out right now. 

"No?" Is my only reply. 

"Yep. I knew you like him because you have his sign tattooed on your ankle and also you took the only merch that I have from him." He says and smiles. 

"Oh my god. I love you so much!" is the only thing I am able to say to him before I jump in to his arms. I can't believe it. He did that for me.

"I love you to baby girl" he says and hugs me. 

"But seriously do you want to stay in for Christmas and go party for New Year's?" he asks me when he puts me down. 

"Yeah we can do that. Or we can go on a dinner on Christmas and give each other some presents and on New Year's we can go to my home town. There are a lot of parties at this time and we could hang out with Ava and Brandon. We can also ask Tina and Ace to come with us." I say to Jake. 

"Yeah. Sure, we can totally do that." He says and I smile to him.

We went over my parents' house because as you know they really threw me out. I was so nervous the whole ride there. I almost changed my mind but I love Jake and they won't control me anymore. You don't know how the love that I feel towards this man. It's that kind of love that when I think about losing him, I can't imagine my life without him. I want to cry when I think about losing him. When we arrive there, everything seems different. This place that I called home few months ago is now just a memory. The house is the same but it looks cold and dark. Kind of evil. What the hell I never saw that before.

"Can you feel it?" I ask Jake. The energy is cold and it's seriously scaring me. 

"Feel what?" he asks confused. 

"Well. Do you feel how cold it is? Not cold like weather but cold energy. It's like dead." I say to him and he looks even more confused than he did before. 

"Fuck. Well I have this strange feeling when something bad is going to happen. I never told you that because I didn't want to scare you but yeah. Right now, the energy feels like dead and if I am honest, I am a bit scared to go alone in this house. Can you go with me?" I say to him. 

"Wait what? You will tell me more when we get out of here and yeah, I will go with you." He says and I thank him before we open the doors. We walk towards the house when the door opens.

"Here you are. I see you did the mistake. Go get your stuff. You have ten minutes and then you have to leave." My mum says when she opens the door. 

"Hi to you too mother. We won't be long. We will get my stuff and you will not ever see me again." I say to the woman that born me and raised me. She nods and we walk upstairs.

"I will take this bag and you will take this. Take everything you see okay. We have two more bags here and when you fill this one you take another. I don't want that they will throw my stuff away. I will go through them when we get home." I say to him and he nods. We are five minutes in and we already have almost everything packed. Two minutes go by and we finish. I look around my room before I close the door. My eyes become watery. I get a flashback of me and Clare sitting on my bed. The memory flashes in front of my eyes. It felt so real. Jake grabbed my hand and we went downstairs.

"So, this is it then?" I say to the man and a woman that I called parents for my whole life. 

"We did tell you and we gave you a choice. You choose wrong and now you are paying for it like that." My father said. 

"I see. I am happy I realized how toxic you guys are. Fuck you both." I say and slam the door before they could reply. The doors stay closed and we walk towards the car with all my stuff in four bags.

"I can't believe it. How they can be that cruel?" Jake says. He is pissed at my parents just like I am. I never thought that I would say that too them but I didn't have a choice. I won't end up like Clare. I have to live for both of us. 

"Will you help me with something?" I ask Jake.

"Sure. What is it?" he asks when we drive out of the driveway. 

"I know that this might sound weird or wild or even stupid but I want to spread awareness. Clare killed herself I got beaten up you end up on a street like I did. I want to share my story with the world. I want them to know that they are not the only one." I say to him.

"Babe you know what. This is a very good idea. You have my full support you know that. I love you." He says. "Thank you, babe. I love you too. So much." I say to him. We talk about our shitty parents for the rest of the drive to our apartment. We open the doors and grab my bags to put them in the room when we see Ace and Tina.

"Hey guys. What's with all that stuff?" Tina asks me when she gives me a hug. "I kind of got... can I tell you two later please?" I say and they nod.

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