Chapter 3

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The herd kept walking, Diego looked around "Wow, the air feels strange."
Hearing electrical crackling, Fawn look at Shira "um Dad" "-Diego!"  Then to Diego. Everyone's fur was going up, Sid started giggling, Diego look over and Sid pointed to Manny who's fur was puffing up "what?"
Fawn look over and started laughing. Pointing at Manny, he became circle with his fur.

Spring and Autumn became fluffy, they were running after each other, shocking each other "woohoo!! Mommy we have powers!"
"Us too" Crash and Eddie shock each other, but more harshly.
Buck look around "Ladies and gentlemen, we have wandered
into an electrical storm."

Thunder rumble, making Spring and Autumn run to Fawn.

Buck smiled "I suggest we all
stay away from the trees."
Fawn walk passed him "Sure, no problem. It's not like we're in a forest."

Ellie stayed close to Manny, Manny all fluffy look back at Peaches who was scared, staying close with Julian. Manny smiled "Boy, Mother Nature sure is in a bad mood lately." "-Good thing we're all here to help each other."
"-Oh, like I always say, stay close, stay alive." Thunder rumble again making peaches and Julian run up to Manny, staying close to them.

From above the Dino birds see the herd, gertie laughed "There they are!
Right out in the open." "-How stupid can you be? Come on, kids. Dive!" They dived towards the herd.

[POW Fawn]

Holding my kids while I walk behind Buck, buck accidentally kicked a few stones making friction. Dancing with it "Everyone, try not to create any sort of friction."

Eddie and Crash was powering their electricity "-No friction. Got it."
"Yup. Cool beans."
"Friction is what now?" Crash asked, they slowly started to poke each other fingers
"Oh no" Diego said, I duck. Keeping Spring and Autumn below her. Making a huge electrical Friction, everyone start screaming "let's get out of here!"

Everyone ran, Sid turn to Granny
"Hurry, Granny."
"Don't you hurry me.I've been struck by lightning more times.." getting struck by lightning, accidentally dying, Sid cried "-granny!!!"
Once again, Granny continue to walk "than you've had hot breakfasts."

Peaches fell off a hill, stuck in a jail of electricity "Peaches!" Julian cried but peaches stop him "Julian, don't move! Oh! I have an idea." Manny look over, seeing Peaches stuck "I'm coming, sweetheart! Julian, why aren't you helping her?" Peaches got out, jumping on a tree branch by her tail, but manny didn't notice
"Wait! No, Manny, she..." both Manny and Ellie fell in, looking up to see peaches safe "Uh, what are you guys doing?" "Helping?" Manny says, chuckling
"What would "not helping" look like?" Diego ask then look at Crash and Eddie who is looking at a electric bolt "Hey, zapheads!" He grab them, making more friction. Getting the jail of electricity off Manny and Ellie.

Everyone continue to run, Spring trip making Fawn stop but everyone ran out, including Autumn.
Fawn put Spring's neck in her mouth and hid in a tree, holding Spring tight. Fawn was secretly scared.
"Mom... I don't wanna die"
"I know... I'll protect you" looking out, a tear went down her cheek.

Everyone got out, looking around Diego stop "did everyone make it?"
"Shira, Manny, Crash, Eddie, Ellie, Granny. Aw, shoot! I'm out of fingers." Sid says going in Granny's face, scared
Autumn look around "mommy? Spring?! The other weasel?"
"Buck?" Diego yelled "spring and Fawn is missing!"

Buck put his ear up "they're in the forest!!" He ran in the forest, quickly running he found them in a tree. Quickly grabbing them both, he went into a log.

[POV Autumn]

The forest blew up "They're gone." Ellie started to cry "Fawn and springs gone.... Buck is gone" "-Mommy... I can't believe it"

Granny started to cry "Don't know how we'll go on without you, Buck." She smiled "All right, let's go."
Autumn went up to her "mommy and springs gone" that made Granny stop, she didn't hear that part.

"Aaaahhh!!!" I heard my mom, spring and the male weasels scream all together.

"It's them!!!"

[POV Fawn]

I held Spring close and Buck kept us save. The log finally fell, making it drop, it finally stop. Claws ripped through as I saw Dad and Autumn.

"Mommy!!!" I got up hearing Autumn cry, I ran up to her twirling her around "Autumn, mommy's here. Mommy's here"

"I'm here, I got you. Don't worry, I got you." I turn to see Spring was hurt, buck held her close to him. Walking up to me "Fawn..." "-Thankyou... Thankyou so much.. you saved my... our daughter" I quickly grab Spring and everyone was happy that we were okay.

Diego went up to buck, tussling his hair "thanks... for saving them"
Diego started to walk, as Buck look at the Tablet. He nod looking at spring who tried to walk but couldn't, she hurt her leg really bad
"Let's stop here for the night. We have some injured animals and we need rest"
"Wait. Stop? What about the whole end of the world collision thing?" Manny says, making Fawn flare her nostrils and she huffed.

"Oh, asteroid's still a day off. And like my grandfather used to say... "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. "Purple sky at night, who moved my foot cream? "I need my foot cream." Grampy was a confused and angry weasel"

[POV Fawn]

I made a small fire, Spring look at the fire with Autumn sitting next to her. Fawn kiss them both "I'm gonna go find berries" I heard a small sound, looking behind me towards a mountain that was in the distance.
I shook my head, I went into the forest. Making a small satchel with leaves, branches. I look around seeing red feathers "hmm... this feather reminds me of something.... Like"

"Dino birds

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"Dino birds..." I growled but shook my head, I have to look for berries.
I saw some red berries "I wouldn't. Those are poisonous" I heard buck, I turn around to see him. Looking at me with sorrow to his eyes, I turn from him to find black berries.

I pack a lot in my satchel. I turn around to buck being really close to me "Fawn I-" "buck. What ever you have to say, I don't wanna hear it. You had sex with your ex wife... you kept disappearing when I needed you the most"
"I wasn't ready to being a dad, but you raised them well... and I just want you to forgive me and after this you don't..."
"Buck. The kids seen you, they see how you are... I can't stop them if they want to see you but... Thankyou"

I turn around to him "you saved my child.. if I die or something happens. Can I ask for a favor?"
He grab my paws, smiling at me "anything..."
"If something happens, if I don't make it. Keep are kids safe" I kiss his cheek, he touch his cheek and watch me walk away back to the kids, He followed short after. Sitting next to our kids.

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