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The clock above my desk feels like it is constantly haunting me. Filling out paperwork, planning, plotting, handling money, designing buildings. All the while that fucking clock is ticking, it never stops, that's the thing about clocks they're a constant reminder that time forever marches forward.

I always have to remember in the back of my mind, I wanted this, this was MY dream, MY goal. No one put a gun to my head and told me to start a country completely alone, I did that to myself. Though I would love to have someone with me but that's never turned out well has it?

I tried to run Manburg with Schlatt and he was a piece of shit, ran the country, and our relationship to the ground. Then after all the turmoil what happens? He fucking dies, out of nowhere.

Next, I tried to start El rapids with George, Karl, and Sapnap. Karl and Sapnap disappeared, didn't even invite me to join them, we were engaged for Christ's sake. George went with them.

I'm better alone, I belong alone. At some point, I was going to have to learn that I can't work with others.

Maybe it's me, I mean I am the common denominator in all these situations, maybe I plague my relationships and leave the projects and friendships in ruins. Or maybe it's them, maybe starting a country, a business, with someone you love, is doomed for failure. That doesn't matter in the bigger picture though, does it?

No matter what the cause is, I'm here in my office after eight at night, with the ticking clock above me haunting my mind. Reminding me that I am and always will be here, working my life away, alone.

It's raining tonight, I know that because I can hear it, the rain outside makes me wary of leaving. Who wants to walk home in the rain?

Breaking the hauntingly sad ambiance of my office, the doorbell rang. It's awfully late and raining, who the fuck is at my office door. Either way, I pushed myself out of my seat, stopped at the mirror to be sure I looked presentable and opened the door.

"I must ask, where is the best place to get a pack of cigarettes around here? See I thought this place would have tons, being it's a casino town but I went looking and I couldn't find a single one, I'm getting worried you aren't running your country right Alex" Wilbur rambled, inviting himself inside.

"Wilbur, you can't just barge in here"

"Why not?"

"Because, don't we have a feud going on, you are supposed to be mad at me remember, last time we talked it was just yelling" I rolled my eyes. Who does this guy think he is?

"Man, I'm supposed to be mad huh? I must have forgotten. Anyway, you didn't answer the question. Where can I buy cigarettes?" He smirked.

"Nowhere considering the time, and the fact that this place isn't open to the public yet, what are you even doing out?" I wanted to scream.

"You really don't listen huh? Well it's a shame there's none around here for sale, do you have any by chance?" The smug smile remaining on his face. I had to consider if I wanted to give him one of mine for a second. Neither of the options seemed like they would get him to go away quicker so I just decided to give him one.

Who knows, maybe this could be a good thing, a way to settle a feud I don't want to deal with. I should stop looking at everything like it's a negative experience before even giving it a chance.

I pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and got two out, handing Wilbur one of them. He took the liberty of grabbing my lighter off my desk and moving to sit on the couch in my office. Patting the seat to get me to join, which I reluctantly did.

After lighting both of our cigarettes he proceeded to attempt to start a conversion, "So, how's everything going, loving life?"

"Uh, yeah, of course, everything is amazing" I tried my best to sound genuine but he just chuckled.

"Yeah okay, and that's why you are here working in the middle of a storm near nine o clock at night." He paused after a second his voice becoming more genuine. "Come on, no one is here you can let your walls down, tell me what's really going on man" He made eye contact with me. I looked away from his eyes, fearful that the longer I stared into his eyes the more I would tell. He might want me to let my walls down but I'm not that easy.

"How have you been Will" I moved the conversation.

"I've been okay, I'm so grateful to be alive again, I mean of course I am of course I love being alive. But I feel like I've missed so much and past me has ruined so many relationships and friendships. I just thought being alive would be less lonely than being dead ya know" He dumped on me.

"Is that why you are really here?" I asked taking a drag.

"Wait a second, you never truly answered my question, you just put it off." He was much louder than when admitting his life turmoil.

"Hm, I guess I'm lonely too" I hummed, and looked down.

"Well, what better to cheer up a lonely villain than another one?" He smiled patting my back.

"Why are you being so kind?"

"Well you already know the answer, I'm lonely and I want a friend." He put his cigarette on the ashtray on the coffee table.

"I guess I could use a friend too, but don't try to get in with my business, that's mine" I sternly reminded him.

"Cold-hearted Quackity, who said I wanted anything to do with a country that's not even selling cigarettes"

A light chuckle escaped my mouth. A budding friendship, how petrifying. But even if me and Wilbur's friendship comes crashing down it doesn't matter because I don't care about him. Plus I won't let him touch las Nevada's so I don't have to worry about it falling because of him. What do I have to lose? Other than my dignity of course.

Word count: 1115

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