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Tw: Alcohol, Drinking

Our calm moment didn't last nearly as long as I hoped it would. Though we were standing there like that for a good 7-10 minutes it still felt like not enough time, but we had to move at some point.

We left the tower and went back to my house, with the Bourbon. We were both in my kitchen, Wilbur sitting on the counter, as I stood in the middle of the room, talking.

Me and him were old friends, and joking with each other felt natural like we were never supposed to stop joking with each other.

"Let's take shots" Wilbur finally proposed.

"Yeah man, let's," I say, grabbing the bottle, "No glasses though, so just drink it out of the bottle," I say handing him it.

He takes a good-sized swig, me doing the same. Drinking was nice, it reminded me of Schlatt sometimes but as long as I was also getting drunk and no one was violent I was normally okay. We pass it back and forth for a bit trying to get the burning liquid down our throats as quickly as possible.

After 4 swigs each I sit it down, we can have more later if we want. "Come on, let's go to the living room," I say standing up, and going there, im not good at choosing one room to be in.

Once in the living room, I had an idea. We would dance, I like dancing. I put some random slow music playlist on. I grabbed his arms, I hope he doesn't think im weird. Actually, I don't care.

I began to slow dance, using his arms as balance. After a few seconds, he laughed and started moving too.

"Are we dancing?" He asked, and looked at me with a stupid ass smile on his face. I wanted to feel his smile. I'm not weird just wish I had the balls to touch it.

"If you can call it dancing" I chuckled still staring at him. "We might just be swaying and keeping each other from falling"

He looked down at our feet, His smile growing. Suddenly he spun me, pushed me down just to catch me. A spin that turned into a dip, who taught this man how to dance?

He made a mistake though, he put the goofy smile back on his face while holding me, and I now lacking self-control reached out and touched his lips. This must have not been the right move. He dropped me.

"What the hell," He said while I was laughing on the floor. Once I finally calmed down from my giggle fit, I looked at him, he was bright red and holding his lips. That sent me off again.

"All it takes is a simple touch to make you a flustered mess," I say through laughs.

"Shut up. I didn't want to dance with you anyway" He said, sarcastic.

"Yeah, sure buddy" I stood up, gaining control of myself again, just to realize that standing is difficult. I quickly sat on the couch so I didn't fall.

Where did he go? I think when looking up. My question didn't go unanswered for long, he came to sit next to me, holding the bottle of bourbon, offering it to me. I took it taking a few gulps in.

"Tomorrow, is, going, to, suck"

"I don't have work to get to, so I'll be fine"

"Shut up, dick head"

"You love me" He was wrong.

That's where the memory of that night seems to cut out. Blacking out is such a strange experience. I think to myself while looking at the ceiling, the sunlight coming in from the window.

I'm laying shirtless in my bed, and there's an arm wrapped around my waist, and a head in the crook of my neck. Wilbur's body is right next to me. How did we end up entangled like this? Nothing happened last night. Nothing could have, I wouldn't have let it.

Slowly I tried to make my way out of the bed, I have pants on and Wilbur seems fully dressed, this is a good sign. What wasn't a good sign was the headache that filled me the second I was sitting up. Stupid hangover.

I gently shook Wilbur, him groaning as he woke up. "Oh God im so hungover" He mumbled wiping his eyes.

"Dude, we slept in each other's arms" I informed him. That got him to wake up much quicker, him now staring at me with wide eyes.

"That sounds gay" He laughed.

"Shut up I got to get to work" I lightly push him and stand up, this is going to suck. I can't call in sick because who am I going to call, God? He won't pick up. I have to get to work.

"Yeah, I should leave your house" He stated sitting up fully. He looked paler and honestly half dead. He didn't have anywhere to be, did he? Not that I know of. I wouldn't mind him staying here. Maybe he should? I think while shuffling to look for what im going to wear today.

"No no, Lay back down. Unless you have something super important to do I expect to see you here when I get home"  I turn to him holding a suit.

"I wouldn't want to intrude in your life because I don't know my tolerance levels" He gave me a tired smile. One I could die for. I missed having friends around.

"Shut up, I better see you," I say before going to the bathroom to change as fast as possible, trying to ignore my killer headache.

Once I finish getting ready, I take one last look at Wilbur before leaving, he's fallen back asleep and is holding one of my pillows like its a teddy bear, a smile creeps onto my face. I beat him in that argument. I quickly get back on track to rushing to work.

It's bizarre how attractive someone becomes after you wake up in their arms not remembering the night before. He better not distract me from my job.

Word count: 1023

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