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Tw: Alcohol

Finally pulling myself away from my work I looked at the time, Seven twenty-four pm. I guess I should head home now, I did not get good sleep last night and don't want to be miserable two days in a row.

Cleaning up my desk, and turning off the lights, I made my way outside. I locked the door, turned to start walking, and immediately ran into someone.

"What the hell-" I exclaimed looking up. Wilbur is back so soon?

"Oh, sorry Quackity. I was just about to go inside and you were leaving. You said after seven so I tried to give you a little bit of time." He grinned.

"Yeah? Well, I was just heading home, I didn't expect you to visit so soon, we just hung out yesterday" I tried not to seem mad or rude, im pretty sure I failed.

"oh," He paused. "If you need some alone time that's okay with me I just thought-"

"No no, it's okay, just surprised me. Come on, let's go to my house" I started walking, making sure he was following me, wouldn't want him to be lost in my country, who knows what trouble he could get into.

"Hey it's good to see you are leaving the office, I thought you lived there"

"Really, how did you think that?"

"Because I've only ever seen you there, I mean I assumed that's why we slept there." He moved his hands a lot when talking.

"What! No, I was just too tired and it was raining." I crossed my arms.

"Well, I won't believe you have a home until I see it." He looked at me.

"Fine, well luckily for you, we are almost there" I yelled.

"Oh good, then you can finally stop pouting" He smiled.

"I am not pouting!" I yelled. He laughed and pat my head. Just rubbing in the insult. Trying to move the subject I pointed to my house.

It wasn't a fancy house, just a plain old home, what did you expect? I unlocked it and we walked in.

"You know, this isn't what I expected," I gave him a look, urging him to elaborate, "Well it's just more homey than I expected, I guess sometimes I forget that you are more than some crazy casino man"

"Of course im more than that, im not that boring" I tried to sound jokingly to avoid him realizing that that hurt me a bit. I mean I try to seem like that's all I am but is that what I want? Do I want to be nothing more than a corrupt businessman? Of course I don't but at the same time, that's safer right?

"Hey, are you okay? You are kind of spacing out" He waved a hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, I'm good, come on follow me" I lead him to the living room, he was giving me a concerned look but I ignored it. The more I open up, the more attached ill become.

I sat on the couch and he joined me, I turned on the tv and put on my Spotify playlist. (If you would like to set the feel just play any upbeat music, Σας αγαπώ)

"Hey quackity, what scares you?" He looked into my eyes like he didn't just start the conversation with a deep ass question.

"Man what did death do to you" I shook my head sighing.

"It taught me we don't have time to waste on small talk" For some reason that statement stopped me in my tracks. I hate when he's right. I don't want to face it. I know the truth and I don't want to accept it. Doesn't it suck when you know you're wrong but you still feel the need to continue your behavior because you are scared not to? The answer is yes, yes it does suck.

Rainy nights ~Quackbur~Where stories live. Discover now