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The next morning I woke up on my office couch, Wilbur on the floor. We stayed up late joking around, neither of us ready to go out into the storm and leave the safety of this office.

Honestly, it was nice talking to him, I seem to only talk to people I'm doing business with these days. Which is fine just boring at times. Wilbur wasn't boring, he was fun, different, enticing. I shouldn't get attached to him though, that would be a tragedy in itself.

Being afraid of attachments, friendships, and relationships, is like a gift and a curse all at once. I like to think it's mostly a gift but I know better.

I stood up looking for my bag and making adjusting my beanie to be sat properly atop my head. When I spotted my bag I audibly groaned, I would have to step over Wilbur to get to it. I decided I would rather wake him up now instead of worrying about if I'm going to trip over him or something.

I knelt beside him and shook his shoulder until I heard him groan. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"What a beautiful thing to wake up to"

"Shut up," I said moving away from him. What an annoying flirt. "Move over I need my bag"

"This bag?" He asked, sitting up and grabbing it off the table.

"Yes that bag, give it" I held out my hand.

"Hmm ask nicely"

"Would you give me my bag?" I asked clearly forcing a smile.

"You didn't say please"

"Oh my God Wilbur shut up," I said, standing and going to grab my bag, but he was quicker, he also stood and reached his hands into the air with my bag. He's taller than me by 9 inches, him being 6'6 and me being 5'8. "Fine, Would you PLEASE give me my fucking bag," I said through closed teeth.

"Aww, all you had to do was ask" He smiled handing me my bag. "Was that so hard?"

"Yes." I quickly responded leaving my own office before him. I started my walk to my house so I could shower and change before going right back to the office.

Not long walking I could hear my office door open and quick footsteps approaching me. Of course.

"Hey I wasn't done talking to you, when would you like to hang out again?" He asked once he caught up.

"Any day works for me just be sure it's after seven pm. Now scram" I shooed him away.

"See you soon" He yelled while running off.

I chuckled but kept on with my quick pace home. I didn't want to run into anyone and be forced to explain why I still haven't been home at 6 am.

Luckily I made it. I headed inside and quickly got down to business, taking a shower and getting dressed without any hesitation.

Turns out getting ready for the day was all I needed to feel better, who knew. I grabbed my stuff and left the house without wasting time, I had a lot to do today, starting with a meeting of everyone currently a part of las nevadas.

I ran getting there just in time, looking in the mirror and adjusting myself to seem as professional as possible. I walked in with my head raised high, confidence is key. Then I sat down and started the meeting.

After a long meeting, discussing everything from strip club closing times to possible members of our crew I was drained. Heading back to my office, I stopped at the coffee maker, my best friend.

"Hello Quackity from las nevadas, You look extra tired today" Slimecicle approached with a smile that never seems to leave his face, ever.

"I am very tired, I was working late"

"That is strange, why were you doing that?"

"I was preparing what I was going to say in the meeting we just had, I think I did a pretty good job, don't you agree?" I matched his smile. I was lying though, partially, I was working on it a bit but you could say I got distracted last night. Most of that meeting was improve.

"It was the best meeting I've ever seen, I'm glad I got to attend" of course. ignorant slime, if only he knew how twisted the world is. how I, his best friend lie to him to save face. poor kid, really old kid. I'm a bad friend.

"I'm happy you enjoyed it, buddy," I smiled and pat him on the back. "Now I have to get to my office, we will talk more later okay?"

"Okay Quackity from las nevadas." He smiled walking away. My attention turned back to the coffee I was supposed to be grabbing. Simple black coffee, some may call me cold-hearted but I am just too tired to care about sugar and dairy.

Taking my coffee to my office I sit back down at the chair I always do. But it's different, it doesn't feel as much like a prison as it had been for the past few weeks. When looking around the office I saw the laughs and looks of last night, instead of the pain of constant lonesome work.

Wilbur soot, somehow in one long night, you made my life a bit brighter.

Word count: 896

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