Origins: Izuku

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July 15 XXXX

A young boy is seen blowing out candles on a birthday cake.

???: "Happy Birthday Izuku!!" A women with a slender figure shouts in pure joy and happiness for her son.

Izuku: "Thank you momma. I love you" says the small green haired child with diamond shaped freckles on his cheeks.

Inko Midoriya single mother to one Izuku Midoriya. They might not be well of but they certainly are happy.

Inko: "I love you to me sweet little boy. Now come we have to go to the doctor to see what your quirk is." Izuku's mother says.

The boy immediately beams at the sound of getting a quirk and runs to his mothers arms, before she picks him up and makes her way to their car.


When they arrived at the hospital they didn't have to wait long before seeing a quirk specialist. After being examined Izuku is place in a seat next to his mother with a massive smile on his face.

Izuku: 'I wonder what quirk I'll get mommy said that daddy had a fire quirk, but we don't talk about him mommy says he is a bad man.' Izuku thinks

The doctor walks in flipping through a few pages on a clipboard.

Doctor: "Ok let's see what your quirk is little guy" The doctor says paging through the charts and diagrams "Oh wow this is a very powerful but dangerous quirk I suggest quirk therapy for when it awakens. Which should be by next week. Your quirk allows you to become the embodiment of fire. You can transform your body and parts of your body into fire. Your flames at base level are a bit hotter than regular flames but the longer you maintain your fire fore the stronger your quirk gets. You can reach levels of a supernova when angered or provoked. Your quirk is highly unstable right now so I suggest avoiding high stress situations and confrontation with anyone. What would you like to name your quirk kid?" The doctor asks.

Izuku: "Supernova" the child says energeticly

To say Inko was shocked was an understatement. Her son could become a hero a strong one at that she was so happy for her child, but also worried she knows that he is shy and can easily be picked on in school she just hopes that it doesn't get bad enough for him to go supernova.

Inko: "Thank you doctor"

Izuku right now was in his own world celebrating his quirk. Walking with his mom to the car he was happy this was the best birthday present he could ever get.


It is now late evening and Inko and Izuku were watching Tv when they heard a knock on the door. Getting up Inko slowly opened the door.

???: Hello Inko I've come to see my son. Said a tall man rather well built with black hair and diamond shaped freckles.

Inko's face contorted in anger before trying to slam the door closed. Only to be stopped by a foot in the gap of the door. She opened the door one again.

Inko: "What do you want Hisashi?" Inko asked her tone of voice held no patience she wanted him gone.

Hisashi: "I already told you I am here to see my son. He should have gotten his quirk or at least told what it was" Hisashi states with a smirk. As he walked in.

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