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It had been about two weeks since Momo and Izuku had got caught kissing, Momo's mother was overjoyed when she saw them kissing. Momo's father was happy for his little girl, she had found someone that she loved and who loved her. He doubted he would need to worry about Izuku, he knew Izuku was courteous and well-mannered and would lay his life down to protect Momo.

Ever since the broadcast Izuku had avoided going outside, but he knew it was inevitable and that Momo would drag him off to a clothing or jewelry store at some point in time.

Right now we see Izuku holding on to the door frame as Momo tries to pry him off of it to get him in the car.

Izuku: "Momo, dear. I love you, but please let me go." He pleaded desperately.

Momo: *frustrated* "No,Zuzu you have been cooped up in the training room since the broadcast. YOU. HAVE. TO. LEAVE." she says while pulling on him.

(There was a huge ass moth in my room for an hour and I have insectaphobia so I had to wait an hour so my brother could drive to my house in the middle of the night and remove the moth. BTW its like 1:45am where I live)

Momo tried with all her might to remove her boyfriend from the doorway, when suddenly the buzzer for the front gate rang.

Izuku knowing Kenshin's schedule assumed it was a surprise guest so being the gentleman he was decided to go to the front gate and escort them to the main house. When Izuku arrived at the front gate he was met with a woman with spiky blond hair and red eyes, also known as his Aunt Mitsuki.

Izuku instantly realized that he forgot to tell her what happened and that he was okay. He also realized that if he were to walk up to her right now he would die.

The Bakugo family isn't the most tame family in the world. The husband of his aunt is quite calm and timid, but his aunt and her son were loud and brash. They had a very explosive way of speaking and by speaking I mean yelling and by yelling I mean completely decimating their throats over a normal conversation.

He was scared of his Aunt he knew she wouldn't take kindly to thinking that her God-son was dead.

Izuku: *fake accent* "Um yes hallo dere iss nobodi heere rite nou"

Izuku tried to act like he didn't know anything so that he would get off the hook.

Mitsuki: *smile* "Izuku I know that was you." Mitsuki was fuming right now though she didn't show it.

Izuku flinched a little at her tone.

Izuku: *fake accent*" Whos is de Isuzu you speak of not know him. I am Borat from Kazakhstan. Very Nice."

Mitsuki wasn't taking this anymore.

Mitsuki: *tick marks* "Izuku Midoriya/Shimura if you don't stop faking that dumbass voice and get your ass over here right now. I will fucking kick your ass to Kazakhstan and back do I make myself fucking clear." Mitsuki said holding back all of her anger.

Izuku realized that there was no point in faking anymore so he gave up the act.

Izuku: *sigh* "Hi, Auntie good to see you." He said in a defeated tone while slowly walking over to the gate and opening it.

Mitsuki:"Get on the ground" She demanded

Izuku:"Yes,Auntie." He replied dejectedly

Izuku put himself in a Dogeza and then Mitsuki started to step on him repeatedly.

Mitsuki:"HOW DARE YOU MAKE YOUR GOD-MOTHER WORRY LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PRICK. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I SEARCHED FOR YOU? 4 FUCKING YEARS TO PICK UP THE PHONE AND SAY "HEY AUNTIE MITSUKI I'M FINE AND ALIVE WANT TO MEET UP." NO FUCKING COMMON DECENCY. YOU TWAT HOW DARE YOU NOT LET ME KNOW OF YOU BEING ALIVE." It was at this point that Mitsuki started breaking down." For 4 fucking years I thought I had lost my best-friend and god-son. Do you even fathom the amount of grief and pain you put me through? You were so selfish. I might not be flesh and blood, but the least you could have done was pick up the phone." Mitsuki had completely broken down at this point she was devastated by her bestfriend's passing and when she found out Izuku was missing she was livid. Mitsuki had started crying during her yelling at Izuku.

Izuku regretted not picking up that phone and calling her. He was so hell bent on getting stronger, that he neglected the only "family" he had left at that point. Izuku was crying he hated seeing a women that he always saw as strong,independent, confident and full of life break down infront of him. What hurt worse was that it was all his fault. How could he have left his God-Mother alone without him or his mom to look out for her ? Don't get him wrong Mr.Bakugo was a great man, but Katsuki and her would always be at each other's throats and she talked to his mother whenever she felt Katsuki was getting out of hand. Inko was her guidance and her son was the light that the guidance used to show the path. She had to go without her guidance with no light for 4 years. It must have been horrible.

Izuku: "Auntie, I am so so sorry" Izuku said bursting into tears. He never wanted this for his mom to leave or for Mitsuki to go threw so much heart ache.
"Auntie, I miss my mom. I miss her so much." Izuku cried as he held onto his auntie.

Mitsuki:"I miss her to kiddo. I miss her so fucking much." Mitsuki said as tears streamdd down her face.

Momo watched as Izuku and his Aunt broke down on her family's front lawn. She smiled a little. This was good for Izuku he needed someone who understood the great loss of Inko Shimura, just like him.

(Um, It's a bit shorter than my other chapters im pretty sure, but im getting back into the swing of things so please be patient. I don't have a schedule so don't ask but I am out of uni for a bit so frequent chapters? Anyways thanks for reading.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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