Chapter Nine: Dinner Dates

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Almenira felt as if she was struck by a truck. Then it backed up and drove back over her again just to make sure.

She awoke with a head full of lead and burning eyes that begged to remain shut. She has never gotten drunk before but perhaps this is what hangovers feel like.

Groaning, she picked herself up from the awkward position she had fallen asleep in. She looked around dazed, recognizing that she was in her bedroom but her head was literally blank.

It was a sensation similar to when you go into another room with the intention of doing something but then you don't remember what it was. No matter how hard she thought on it, though, there was nothing that came to mind that she should be worrying about.

Was there?

Spotting her phone laying on the floor next to her bed, she retrieved it to check if there were any notifications.

She winced when the too bright screen flashed on. No new messages except for Mei-Song sending her a funny tweet about social anxiety but she did note that the date showed it was already Sunday.

Her eyes narrowed as if she was suspicious of her own phone. She clearly remembered it being a Friday. She knew because she had submitted the last of her assignments she needed to do before school went on break so she could relax that weekend. Then after that she...

Almenira racked her brain for what exactly she did after that but found that she had absolutely no recollection of it.

She wasn't sure what to make of that.

She probably should have been more concerned but she was strangely tranquil. She didn't have a great memory in the first place and there have been times where she slept so hard she forgot what she did before dozing off. Another part of her though, just couldn't seem to muster up the energy to care.

She shuffled her feet across her carpet because her legs were too sore to fully mobilize them. Letting out another deep groan after the exhausting three yard walk to her bathroom, she forced her body to keep upright while she started a bath. She didn't trust herself to stand in the shower.

"Jesus f-ck," she groaned again as she wrestled open a bottle of pain relievers. She filled her mouth with sink water (which under less painful circumstances, she would never do!) until her body and no choice but to swallow the mouthful, taking the pills with it. She gagged hard for a good few seconds.

Almenira's brows furrowed after she fumbled to remove her clothing. Why was she dressed like this? She wore the crop top that criss crossed around her breasts and tight leather black jeans for what...

At the fact that she truly could not remember why she was dressed like she was begging for some woman to push her on her knees and pull her hair as she ate them out, she frowned deeply.

She stood still thinking. Yet, nothing.

More disturbed, Almenira finished peeling the confining articles from her body and lowered herself into her bath.

'Call me crazy but I can't remember what happened after it possible to sleep for 24 hours?' She texted Mei-Song.

She let her phone drop back to the floor next to the bath as she waited for her friend to entertain her strange situation.

It was actually sort of peaceful, having no thoughts in your head. It was like a reset button was pressed and she was blessed with the chance to live without anxiety.

She must've begun to doze off at some point after she decided to let her eyes rest. She began to conjure up the beginning of a dream that involved her visiting Claudia at work and somehow ended up in an examination room where the woman had her lie down while she pressed the heel of her palm down on her body.

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