Chatpter Four, Jacket.

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He left me here, all alone. I guess it's ok, he wanted to be there before his father noticed he was gone.

It's normal to miss your friend this much.

"Looks like Y/n left his jacket, huh?" The voice was familiar, oh my god. "What do you want, there's no need to fight anymore." I was trying to stay well-mannered, even if we did fight. "I'm just letting you know. You wouldn't want him to lose it, would you?" The waitress started to laugh. She's obviously messing with me, so I decided to grab the jacket and leave.


I flopped down on my bed, while thinking.

"Y/n is probably mad I lied"
"That stupid bitch waitress"
"He smelt nice"

I grabbed the jacket near me and started to sniff it. Y/n didn't have a strong smell, it had a night air, plant, cigarette scent . Y/n wasn't the the type to smoke, his father probably does. "Seth, why are you assuming that. You barely know him." My thoughts were loud, but I continued to hug and sniff Y/n's red jacket.


It felt like the day was going super slow, I needed to see Y/n before I gash my body apart.
I heard someone opening the door, but it was just another hillbilly.


My shift was over, so I wanted to return Y/n's jacket back, I probably sniffed most of the scent off but I still wanted to see him smile when I gave it back.

I started to walk out the doors, but I bumped into someone familiar. I must be the luckiest man alive. It was Y/n. Sometimes I wish we weren't around the same height, we hit each other's heads together. At least I won't have to bend or stand on my tippie toes for kisses.

What, that's such a weird thought.

The more I think about it, do I like him. His scent, his shoulder length hair, everything about him.


"I'm so sorry for bumping into you Y/n."

"It's ok"

He started to laugh a little. What is this, a fucking generic, stereotypical, weird ass romcom? My checks started to burn a little as I yawned. "Is your shift over, I wanted to see if I could get any coupons? It's ok if you can't, I'll ask someone else" No, I don't want him to ask someone else "I can hook you up with some deals, follow me." I smirked while leading him into the back of the store


I started to write down coupons and deals for this week, my hand writing was always horrible even as a kid I was messy. Y/n just stared at me, it was kinda creepy but it still got me flustered.

"Hey, didn't you promise you'd lift my chin?"

"I didn't promise, but I'll still do it."

"Ok. I'm waiting, Seth."

I leaned over the table lifting his chin with my thumb and forefinger like I did in the convenience store, he started to gaze into my eyes while smiling. I could kiss him right now, but I'll resist because I want to take it slow. I don't know Y/n's feelings for me, but he might actually like me.

I hope he does.

Sorry for these short ass chapters, I'm trying to edge you guys into wanting more😏😏

I'd like to say, thank you for the views, most of you guys are from TikTok so I appreciate that.

ALSO, Seth does return the jacket later!

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