Chapter 3

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As the girls and their pokemon run through the forest to find Pikachu's trainer, Ash.

Kiyoko let her Altaria out to find the trainer in the air, she called out "Altaria, do you see anyone"

Altaria went to her and shook it's head "it's ok Altaria you tried your best" Kiyoko said. She grabs it's PokeBall and said "we better keep looking, for now you get some rest

As she was about to return Altaria back to it's ball, a claws grabbed the flying type Pokemon. Kiyoko yelled out "Altaria!"

Dawn saw and yelled out "Oh no!". As the claw draws back into the forest, Kiyoko starts running to the direction, with Dawn and the pokemon running after her.

Kiyoko calls out it's name and at the free space of the forest, Kiyoko saw a big orange robot with a R in the center and six arms, one holding Altaria.

Dawn caught up to her and say the robot "what is that thing"

Kiyoko said "hey, you have Altaria can you please give her back" she looked at the robot

"Sorry Blondie, finders keepers!" a woman's voice came out of the machine

"And losers weepers" a man's voice came as well

Dawn said "we got to do something, and rescue Altaria?!" She looked at the robot then at her friend.

As Kiyoko was about command Chimchar to attack but Pikachu runs forward and used Volt Tackle, with full power.

Kiyoko stated as she was amazed "that was Volt Tackle"

Pikachu continues to use Volt Tackle but not a single scratch on the machine.

Team rocket laughed at their poor attempts to attack, as they were the ones inside of the robot

Meowth said "wow, that zap kinda tickled a little bit!

Jessie said "but that's as far as you're going to get with this new toy of ours!"

James said "get a load of our new Super Sinnoh Slinger Mark 1A! Not only able to withstand and deflect any attack you can fling our way, but being solar-powered, it fights global warming and makes us lunch!

Wobbuffet came out proudly.

As Pikachu was ready to attack again, Dawn said to Team rocket "hold in! Why do you want Pikachu so bad?"

Jessie explained "when it comes to pinching powerful Pokemon that Pikachu is the proverbial piece de resistance"

Meowth said "we've been in Pika-pursuit since you two been alive"

James said as he got up "and not one of you or your pathetic preteen or teen Twerpy types are going to drive a wedge between Team Rocket and our potential posse of Pokemon pros!

Both Wobbuffet and Mime Jr. said with determination

Moewth said as he moved the levers down "we win hands down. Hows this grab you?" He launched one of the arms at the group.

Dawn commanded "Piplup Quick use Bubble beam"

Kiyoko said "Chimchar use Ember"

The starter Pokemon shot their attacks at the claws but no damage, the claws ended up grabbing Pikachu, even Kiyoko

Dawn gasped "Kiyoko?! Pikachu?!"

Chimchar called out and tried to reach out to her.

Pikachu used Thunderbolt to be set free but didn't let go"

As team rocket cheered, dawn yelled out "let go of Pikachu and my friend!"

Jessie said as she smirked "No can do, Pikachu now belongs to team rocket, and Blondie here will be the newest member of Team Rocket."

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