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     Long before the Archons, before the dispute.. the first gods were created. Yin and Yang. Sun and moon. Life and Death. They had many names, told by generation by generation. Praised and speculated by the beings that descended upon the Earths of what is now known as Teyvat.

Nobody knew much about them, only that they brought the peace and harmony of the modern day world. The Dragon of Life, Yang, or the actual name of the entity, [GOD NAME]. She brought prosperity, the beginning of new life to the grassy plains and high mountains.

The sun, which glowed brighter than you can comprehend. Many who claimed that they had seen her saw her true form of a long serpent, with a flowing, feathery main of white scales as hard as diamonds, claws as sharp as swords, and a breath of the wispy cold, ice. Her eyes, a bright shade of [eye color], and teeth as jagged as the mountain tops.

The opposite of Yang was Yin. Dragon of Death; Haruna. With a heart as black as the depths of the Abyss, he reigned destruction and terror, claiming lives of those who had feared death, or had their lives on the end of its road. He who was a black as midnight, with silver scales and blood red eyes, a fiery fume of red, hot fire whenever Haruna opened his maw.

Together they maintained the order, until the Hundred Year of Terror, a problem had arisen, tension between the two entities. Back then the Archons were created to a purpose, Adepti too were to aid the newly born gods to serve. [GOD NAME] was struck down after, burned by the molten fire of Haruna, disappearing without a trace.

Many wondered where the Dragon of Life had disappeared off to; but the greatest question was..

Will she ever fix the uprising corruption within the lands of Teyvat?




[- ALIAS(ES) -]


[- AGE -]


[- HEIGHT -]


**( sorry, have to control your height for this one ^^' )**


[NAME] has [short/long] [hair color] hair that is styled in a lower pigtail ( if long ) usually, and bangs framing her face and up until her lower jaw. She has [skin color] skin, and crystal [eye color] eyes. Way back before she fell into a deep sleep to recover from her injuries, she was usually portrayed as a bright light, a dragon or a young woman. There are a few mortals that [NAME] has conversed with, claiming that she often spoke in a soft tone when communicating, smooth, flawless, perfect.

In other perspectives, she appeared to them as a white, long bodied dragon with a mane akin to that of a hilichurl's fluff. There is a marking on the top of her head and is often seen on her forehead when in human form, as well as scriptures of gold around her limbs and body when awakened ( future ). In present times, the natural imprinting on her forehead is often hidden, only appearing with a dim glow whenever she is near a temple or an Archon statue.

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