Childish Angel

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Requested from : @KpopDork14

Hope you would like this and sorry if you think this is not a nice story but i tried my best as I have school too therefore I might not have enough time to do this BUT I did it ! Hope you enjoy the story ❤️
"YA ! Kim Yu Kwon ! Where did all my One Piece manga go to ? And please listen to me when I'm asking you , stop being so cute by making animal sounds ! " You shouted at him while laughing because he's too adorable and innocent. "Jagiya, I was reading it, I will return to you soon okay? Now , do you want some sandwiches ? I make really nice sandwiches !! " he replied as you nodded your head and smiled at him. You went back to your room to quickly bath and change into a t-shirt and shorts and then you went back to the kitchen to look for him. However, he wasn't there. You saw the half done sandwich there and you were looking around the whole house for him. You were so disappointed at that time and then your phone rung. It was a text, from u-kwon.
//Jagiya, Mianhe.. I just had to rush out of the house with half done sandwich.. My friend got into an accident, need to see him. Can you finish making the sandwich yourself and eat it? Don't starve ! I will get back by 5pm, love you ! //
You replied 'ok, love you too.'
You went back to the kitchen and continued to make the sandwich and finally , it was done and you started eating it and slowly made your way to the living room and on the television. It was your favourite show , roommate! Your eyes were stuck to the television while eating the sandwich until you were shocked by the sudden ringing of your phone. U-kwon , he was the one calling you.
*picks up*
You: Yes, baby?
U-kwon: My friend .. He passed a..way .. *voice breaks*
You: omg.... baby are you okay ?
U-kwon: Yes.. Yes I guess I am..
You: Do you need me there ?
U-kwon: Yes.. If you don't think it's too troublesome for you to come over ..
You: Of course not ! I'll get changed and I'll come over soon. Don't cry okay ? See you soon baby.
U-kwon: I'll try my best not to cry.
You: Promise me that you wouldn't. Don't cry ! Your friend wouldn't want to see you like this too right ? Just wait for me , I'll be there and I'll call you by then. See you soon baby.
U-kwon: See you.. //
You thought he really would hold in his tears and don't cry ? No! As you were changing your clothes and going over to the hospital , he was crying , non-stop. You called to ask him where he is however you said that you're still a long long way there although you're in the hospital. He told you, Level 8 Ward 10. You made your way there and stood outside the ward, seeing him crying so badly. He's the smiling representative , you had never ever see him cry so badly. Nobody has ever see. You went in and he was shocked, but he really couldn't swallow his tears.
"ja..jagiya.." his voice broke "I'm sorry I didn't.. keep my promise , i just.. couldn't ..stop crying.."
You hugged him so tightly , just like how he hugs you back. You didn't know how to stop him from crying , so you just tried to comfort him and let him continue so wouldn't be hiding any of his feelings. A few minutes later , he stopped and he said : "thanks for companying me, I'm feeling a lot better ."
You hugged him even tighter and of course , he hugged you back tightly too. He took 2 months to get over the death of his friend and return to his normal life and personality. He was smiling again, finally. And both of you , decided to get married....

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