Chapter 11

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Rachael PoV
I ended up making my own way home on the bus. I didn't think about calling my friends. I was in shock. Luckily I was home alone as usual.I instantly dropped to the floor and let out a loud sob. "why does it keep getting worse" I whisper to myself trying to catch my breath. It feels like ever since I became a witch. I've been in fear. and just when I think it's getting better in get's ten times worse.
I picking myself up and running into the kitchen to grab the salt. I put lines of salt on the windows and front door. I remember reading a spell in my grams books. It's was a barrier spell for supernatural creatures. One where the creature can only enter if invited in by the owners of the house. It's bigger magic then I'm use to. but at this moment I'm not thinking. I'm just running on fear. I grabbed the the spell book from upstairs to read the incarnation.
"Soteria goddess of protection I beseech thee.bless the walls,Bless the floors,roof and everything that falls under." I started feeling a sharp pain in my head and I could already feel the blood flow from my nose.
"Makes the house a pure place and pro-protect" I say trying to complete the spell. but it was getting to hard. I had started to spit out blood my mouth . My head instantly got lighter and then everything turned black.

I woke up to my phone head was pounding and I could feel the dried blood on my face. "Hello" I managed to say. "Rachael where were you." Bella said from the other side of the phone. "I just went I home I wasn't feeling to good and just forgot to tell you guys" I lied while trying to calm myself. "I know. Jessica told be what happened at the dress shop i'm so sorry you had to go threw that" she said softly. "Right the dress shops" I had almost forgotten. I had just fainted and got attacked by a monster. The last thing on my mind was that."Honestly i'm fine Bella" I say. Trying to finish the conversation. "Are you sure I could come over and we could talk about it if you want. I also need to talk to you about Edward" she said. As I heard the word fear vibrated threw our my body. "No! I really need to be alone right now" I said in a panic. "Ok well I'll see you in school tomorrow" she said softly before hanging up. I then look around at the mess I made in my failure to protect myself. I tried to catch my breath and calm my nerves. I eventually calm myself down and I began to clean everything up.when my dad sent a text saying he'll be on a all nighter at work.I didn't know if I should feel relieved that he'll be safe away from the house or terrified I'm all alone.

As I had finally calmed down and cleaned everything up I here the door bell ring. I walked up to it and opened the door. The second I opened it my heart instantly started speeding up and fear flowed threw me. Jasper was at the door covered in black liquid."Rach-" he began before I tried slamming the door in his face. He quickly put his foot in the way of the door. "Rachael wait just let me explain" he said pushing the door open. "Wh-what is there to're a monster!" I say backing away. I then stood in place and his facial expression changed. "I know I'm sorry I-i" he began before stopping and looking down. pain and sadness was vibrating from him.but I'm not falling for the act this time. I just stood there in fear I didn't know how to was like being in a cage with a wild animal one wrong move and he will devour me. When I see a slight opening I try to run. But Jasper instantly appeared in front of me. "Wait you can't leave. Please I'm begging you to just listen" he said holding me with His cold hands. I wouldn't stop shaking. He just looked at me for a moment. I couldn't read his face. His eyes just turned completely black and anger started to creep on his face. "Your always going to hate me for this aren't you" he said coldly looking into my eyes. I don't what courage over come me before answering. "Yes". His expression soften Before leaving. I just stood there in shock at what happened not knowing how to feel.

I had woken up to the loud screeching of my alarm clock. I pretended I didn't hear it. It kept ringing but I just lay there in bed. I didn't want to move. If I did it means I'd have to start the day. It means I'd have to see him. "Rachael" I heard I light voice from the other side of the door It was Bella. My heart started to lightly speed up. "Come in" I manage to say. I leaned over to finally turn the alarm clock off. Bella came rushing in. "Hey I just came to check up on you" she said sitting on my bed. "I already told you I'm completely fine" I lied.
"I know I just wanted to check" she said playing with her hand's nervously. I could already tell she had something else on her mind. "But you could of asked me that on the car ride to what's the real reason you came over so early"
"Ok fine. I'm sure Jessica already told you about last night" she said
I was completely confused. "Edward and I had dinner last night" as the words came out of her mouth I could feel the anxiety build up inside of me. I started to zone out back to last night. My mind instantly thought of Jasper pinning me to the wall. I then heard a smash and saw flashes of light. "Rachael!" Bella said jumping. I had just noticed my lamp on my bed side table had smashed everywhere. I was brought back to earth. I must of done that in my day dream. I then looked up at see the shock on her face.she just stood there. "Ra-Rachael was that" . She said nervously.I couldn't deal with this. I didn't want her to look at me like I'm some kind of freak.not from her. She's one of the few people who accepted me instantly. "You have to go" is all I blurted out. "Wait no we need to talk"
"No Bella! Leave now" I snapped. I was already so on edge I couldn't help it. She just gave me a look of disappointment before leaving.

"Hey honey are you not going school with Bella" my dad said as I walked down the stairs. "No I'm getting the bus" I shrugged
"Oh did you get into a fight"
"Kinda. It was my fault I snapped at her" I then walked over to get my bag. "Do you want to talk about it?" He said
I turned around and almost laughed. "Why for once are you not busy ignoring me for the restaurant"
"Rachael!" He began to yell as I walked away.

School was normal so it was fine my nerves seemed somewhat under control.I was currently sitting in the lunch cafeteria with all my friends minus one. I was searching around for Bella but I couldn't seem to find her. "Hey do any of you guys know where Bella is" I asked the table.
"She's probably somewhere getting it on with Edward" Jessica joked. "He wishes" Mike said in a obvious jealous tone. "Why are you asking" Angela said lightly. "I got into a argument with her this morning and I really need to apologise"
"Well I heard some kids say they saw her go into the woods with Cullen" Eric said. My heart fell to my stomach. "What!" I yelled out before grabbing my bag and rushing out leaving everyone confused. I didn't know what I was going to's not like I could do anything. I just know I needed to get to Bella to make sure she's safe.

I bumped into a hard object. "Jasper" I said losing my breath. "It pains me to see I cause you this much discomfort. Especially because of how much I value you as a friend " he said softly. "Friend!" I laughed out dryly. "Please just listen" he said. I could reply I didn't know what words to form. I instantly turned to walk away. I felt a sharp cold grip around my wrist. Jasper had grabbed me firmly. "Please" he pleaded. The flashes of him attacking me flooded back. my breath started to escape my lungs. My heart was beating as loud as a drum. He let go with a hurt look on his face. "Hey is there something going on here" I heard from behind us. It was Mike standing there with a stern face. "I-it's fine Jasper was just leaving" I stuttered out. Jasper  gave me a final look before walking away.

I could feel I was still in state so i rushed out. I went outside to the back of the school to be alone and catch my breath. Mike seemed to of followed me outside. "Hey are you ok" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I couldn't form words. "What happened Rachael. what did Jasper do!" He said. Just from the name I could feel myself getting worse. "I-I can't talk about it" I said almost in tears. Mike just hugged me. "It's fine. Ok. It's fine".

A/n look at me being consistent with posting.
I don't know if I'm taking this to much of a toxic turn but I kinda like it. I also tried to add a little more personality to character that didn't have much of one in the original.

The new witch (Twilight fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora